1- Which eye defect can be corrected by using convex lens ?
a) Hypermetropia b) Astigmatism c) Myopia d) Night blindness
2- The layer of the eye that contains the blood vessels is the
a) Retina b) Sclera c) Cornea d) Choroid
3- Ciliated epithelial cells in the nasal passeges are usefull because they
a) Keep out dust and bacteria
b) Provide the sense of smell
c) Reduce the breathing rate when the air is impure
d)Reduce the humidity of inhaled air
e) Fan the air and cool it, especially in summer
4- All of the following are functions of the skin EXCEPT
a) Protection b) Sensation c) Excretion d) Manufacture of vitamin D e) Exhalation
5-Which statement concerning the skin is true?
(a) The epidermis is a comparatively thin outer layer of skin containing numerous blood vessels.
(b) The dermis is a thicker layer of skin (than the epidermis) containing blood vessels and nerve endings.
(c) Most of the fat cells of the skin are contained in the epidermis.
(d) Humans have varying numbers of melanocytes in their skin.
5-Which of the following is incorrect?
(a) Myopia (nearsightedness) is condition caused by light rays converging in front of the retina and can be corrected by using a concave lens in front of the eye.
(b) Hypermetropia (farsightedness) is a condition caused by light rays converging behind the retina and can be corrected by use of a convex lens in front of the eye.
(c) Astigmatism is a condition caused by an irregularly shaped cornea.
(d) Myopia and hypermetropia are both caused by a combination of irregular focusing properties and an irregularly shaped cornea.
6-The fovea consists of
(a) equal amount of rods and cones (b) more rods than cones
(c) more cones than rods (d) no rods or cones
(e) only cones
7-Which of the following is not involved with the maintenance of equilibrium?
(a) Sacculus and utriculus (b) semicircular canals (c) cochlea (d) endolymph
8-In which of the following eye defects, the distant objects can not be seen well?
9- I. Ear-drum is a part of external ear.
II. In the middle ear, there are hammer, arvil and stirup bones which are not tied to each other?
III. The structures contributing to the balance of our body are located in the middle ear. Which one(s) of the above statements is (are) true about the structure and functioning of the ear?
A) Only 1 B) I and II C) I and III D) II and III E) Only III
10- Which of the following is wrong about the nose?
A-There is catapalt bone in its structure.
B-Interior surface of the nose is not smooth. Its side walls are curvy.
C) Mucus secreted inside the nose moistens the dry air and filtrates it from the dust and micro-organisms.
E-Sinuses are the chambers where the inhaled air is warmed.
11- I. To secrete saliva
II. To have a role in speaking
III. To help us swallow the food substanses .
Which one(s) of the statements above is(are) not among the functions of the tongue?
A) Only I B) I and II C) I and III D) II and III E-Only II
12- Which of the following in the inner part of human skin?
C) Hair roots
D) Fat glands
13-In the eye, there are some structures such as;
I. Iris
II. Cornea
III. Blind spot
IV. Eye lens
Which one of the structures above is the least related to seeing?
A) Inner ear B) Middle ear
E) Vestibule
15-Where are the coloring pigments located in the skin?
A) In certain layer
B) In malphigian layer
C) Everywhere in upper skin
D) Everywhere in lower skin
E) In fat glands
16- Whıch of the followıng structures ıs shared by fısh, bırds and mammals?
a) pınna
b) audıtory canal
c) semıcırcular canals
d) eardrum
e) malleus ıncus and stapes
17- The compound eye of ınsects may detect a wıde area. Whıch of the followıng accurately descrıbes thıs sıtuatıon*?
a) a conıc shape
b)a lens made of chıtın
e)detectıon of movıng objects
c)an ımage formed by each rhabdome
d)ısolatıon by a pıgment layer
18- Whıch of the followıng structures ıs the optıc cell of the eye?
a)cornea b)rod c)ırıs d)lens e)cone
19- 1. Malleus-stapes
2. oval wındow
3. audıtory nerves-temporal lobe
4.coc hlea-corty organ
5. eardrum
Whıch of the followıng combınatıons accırately descrıbes the stages ıof hearıng?
a)1-2-3-4-5 b) 3-4-2-1-5 c) 5-1-2-4-3
d) 3-4-1-2-5 e) 5-2-4-1-3
20- Whıch one of the followıng ıs the correct locatıon of the organ of Corty?
a)audıtory canal
d)semıcıcular canals
a) mıddle ear
21- 1. Choroıd
2. retına
3. sclera
Whıch of the followıng accurately descrıbes the correct order from outsıde to ınsıde?
a)1-2-3 b)3-1-2 c)1-3-2 d)2-3-1 e)3-2-1
22- In whıch structure are the utrıculus and succulus located ın the ear?
a) audıtory canal
b) eardrum
c) ınner ear
d) mıddle ear
e) pınna
23- I.Myopia II. Hypermetropia III.Astigmatism.IV.Colour blindness
Which of the above condition can not be corrected through tht use of glasses?
A)Only IV B)OnlyII C)I and III D)II and III E)Only I
24-I Papilla II.taste bud III.receptor
Which of the following combination describes the size of the above struc-
Ture in ascending order?
E)Paccinian corpuscles Pain
26-Sound waves reach the innert ear via the external and middle ear.Which of the following structure are involved in their transmission from the middle ear to the inner ear?
Middle ear İnner ear
A)Stapes Round window
B)İncus Oval window
C)Malleus Round windov
D)Stapes Oval window
E)İncus Oval window
27-Which of the following structure gives color to eye?
A) pupil B) iris
C) cornea D) optic disc
28-What is the eardrum?
A) canal in ear B) ear membrane
C) canal in eye D) ear bone
29- In the diagram above, which part of the eye causes the blind spot?
A- A B- B C- C D- D E- E
30-I. Pupil II. Lens III.aqueous humor IV. Cornea
Which of the following combinations describes the order of the above structures through which light passes?
31-I. Myopia II. Hypermetropia III. Astignatism IV. Polar blindness
Which of the following conditions can not be corrected through the use of glasses?
A) IV only
B) II only
C) I and II
D) II and IV
E) III and IV
32-Which layer of eye is sensitive to the light?
A) Cornea
B) Sclera
C) Retina
D) Choroid
E) Iris
33- Which of the following structures
of eye is sensitive to light?
a)choroid b)retina c)sclera
d)iris e)pupil
34-Our skin is an effective barrier against invasion by bacteria because
A. It is a tought mechanical barrier
B. It secretes substances that are toxic to some bacteria
C. Upper layers of cells are constantly worn away, taking bacteria with them.
D. It is composed of many layers of cells
E. All of the above