1- Which respiration is not made in the following organisms ?
a) Frog ------------ Lung and skin b) Eartworm----------- Skin c) Spongy------------ Body surface d) Crocodile-------- Gills
2- The innermost chamber of the respiratory system into which air can be drawn is
a) Branchiole b) Branchus c) Air sac
d) Branchial tube e) Sinus
3- Which of the following properties is not a common characteristic of gills ?
a) Uptake of oxygen dissolved in water
b) An identical structures in all organisms
c) A wide surface area
d) A rich network of capillaries
e) A surface covered by epithelial tissue
4- I- Air sac II- Stigma III- Lung
IV- Tracheoles V- Capillaries
Which of the above structures are not involved in the respiratory system of insects ?
a) I III b) I IV c) II IV d) III IV e) IV V
5- Which of the following animal has no alveoli ?
a) Lion b) Eagle c) Tortoise d) Anchovy e) Lizard
6- An animal that has most of its body cells in the direct contact with its oxygen supply is the
a) Hydra b) Earthworm c) Grasshopper d) Human e) Cow
7- Oxygen from the air enters the earthworms body through the
a) Spiracles b) Mouth c) Skin
d) Dorsal and ventral vessels e) Trachae
8- The structures involved in the distribution of the respiratory gasses in the grasshopper are the
a) Blood vessels b) Lungs c) Alveoli
d) Tracheal tubules e) Skin
9- The pleura is
a) a membrane that surrouds the lungs
b) The respiratory surface of human
c) one of the air passages to the lungs
d) the membrane lining the air passages
10- Most CO2 is carried in the plasma in the form of
a) H b) Lactic acid c) Bicarbonate ions
d) Oxyhemoglobin e) Carbonic acid
11- The exchange of gases occurs between----------and -------------
a) Alveoli Blood b)Trachea Alveoli c) Brachioles Blood d) Blood Branchus e) Alveoli Arteries
12- Which one is wrong about lung respiration ?
a) Seen only terrestial animals
b) Alveoli are surrounded by capillary network
c) Specialized to take atmosperic oxygen
d) Lungs are located inside the body
e) They have large surface area
13- Which is not releated to its pair ?
a) Insect Tracheal tubules b) Earthworm Body surface c) Whale Gills d) Frog Lungs e) Protista Diffusion
14- Breathing rate is controlled by the respiratory centre located at the
a) Brain b) Larynx c) Trachea d) Aorta
15-The process by with gases are exchange in the alveoli of our lungs is called:
a)external respiration b)indirect respiration c)direct respiration
d) internal respiration e) All of them
16-Which of the following does not occur in response to high altitude breathing?
a)increased cardiac output and increased rate of respiration
b) decreased urine production and excretion
c)increased synthesis of red blood cells
d)the formation of new capillaries
17-What function does the operculum of fish serve?
a)as an exit for waste products
b)as an entrance for water
c) as a protective device for the gills
d) as a protective device for the eyes
18- Which of the following properties is not a common characteristic of lungs ?
a) An identical structures in all organisms
b) Uptake of oxygen from air
c) A wide surface area
d) A rich network of capillaries
e) A surface covered by epithelial tissue
19- Thickening of the alveoli membranes may cause
a). a decrease in blood volume
b). a decrease in
oxygen concentration in the blood
c). a decrease in carbon dioxide concentration in the blood
d). in increase in nitrogen concentration in the blood
e). an increase in blood volume
20- The bronchus subdivides into smaller branches called:
a). trachea b). larynx c). alveoli d). bronchioles e). bronchi
21- Thickening of the alveoli membranes may cause:
a) a decrease in blood volume
b) a decrease in oxygen concentration in the blood
c) a decrease in carbon dioxide concentration in the blood
d) in increase in nitroge concentration in the blood
e) an increase in blood volume
22- How many cell membranes must a molecule of oxygen pass through as it journeys from a lung alveolus chamber to a hemoglobin molecule?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
23- A certain person has a vital capacity of 5,000 cc, a tidal volume of 300 cc, and expiratory reserve capacity of 2000 cc. This person has an inspiratory reserve capacity of
a. 7300 cc
b. 5300 cc
c. 3300 cc
d. 3000 cc
e. 2700 cc
24-Which one is not a product of respiration?
A) Oxygen
B) Carbon dioxite
C) Energy
D) Water
25-Which is not a respiratory structure?
A) Bronchi
B) Bronchioles
C) Toque
D) Larynx
26-What is the aim of respiration?
A) to produce oxygen (O2)
B) to take carbon dioxite (CO2)
C) to take O2 and give out CO2
D) No one
27-The exchange of CO2 and O2 occurs between ______ and______.
A) Alveoli and capillaries
B) Alveoli and pulmonary vein
C) Alveoli and pulmonary artery
D) Pulmonary artery and pulmonary vein
28-The vocal cords are found in the
A) Pharynx
B) Trachea
C) Larynx
D) Mouth
29-_______ is a structure that covers the larynx automatically during swallowing
A) Pharynx
B) Tonque
C) Trachea
D) Epiglottis
30-In human body the O2 passes to the ______ from the trachea then to _______ and then to _______. From here it enters the blood.
A) Bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli
B) Alveoli, trachea, bronchioles
C) Bronchioles, bronchi, alveoli
D) Larynx, tracheo, bronchi
31-The path of air in the human respiratory system is from nasal cavity to
a. larnyx to pharnyx to trachea to bronchus to bronchiole to alvoeli
b. pharnyx to trachea to larnyx to bronchus to alvoeli to bronchiole
c. larnyx to pharnyx to bronchus to bronchiole to alvoeli to trachea
d. trachea to bronchus to bronchiole to larnyx to pharnix to alvoeli
e. pharnyx to larnyx to trachea to bronchus to bronchiole to alvoeli
32- In most air-breathing animals
the respiratory surface is kept
most by.
a) using internal gills
a) perspiration is waiting
b) the blood in the capillaries
c) glands of digestive system
33-The pleura.
a) is the membrane that surrounds the lungs
b) is the respiratory surface of humans
c) is one of the air passages to the lungs
d) is a membrane lining the air passages.
5. Oxygen in the blood is carried primarily
a) as oxyhemoglobin b)in solution in the plasma c) as carbonic acid
e) As carboxyhomoglobid
34-most CO2 is carried in the plasma
in the form of
a) hydrogen ions b) lactic acid c)oxyhemoglobin
d) bicarbonate ions(HCO3) e)dissolved CO2
35-the exchange of gases (CO2,O2)
occurs betweenand
a)Alveoli and blood b)trachea and
alveoli c)bronchioles d)blood and
broaches e)alveoli and arteries
36-Which of the following blood
vessels contains large number of the oxyhemoglobin molecules
a)all arteries b)all veins c)capillaries
d)pulmonary arteries c)pulmonary veins
37- Amphıbıa-lung
I. trache II. Fıshes
What can come ınstead of I and II
a) bırds frogs
b) fıshes ınsects
c) ınsects gılls
d) ınsecta skın
e) frogs gılls
38-Whıch of the below ıs the common prperty
of gılls and lungs
a) tucıng of O2 whıch dıssolved ın water
b) takıng the free oxygen from atmosphere
c) do not see ın fıshes
d) own many amount of capılarıes
e) formatıon from branchı and branchıole
39- Hb+CO2----- HbCO2
In whıch veın thıs edıfıce forms
a) ın lung urtery capıllary
b) ın tıssue veın capıllary
c) none of them
d) ın oart
40-I. Alvede II. Branchı III. Branchıoles
noıse V. throat
At the respıratıng tıme O2 gaves through above gıven way.Whıch of the below ıs the order of O2 way?
41- In human the respiratory tube divides into two bronchies. Then this two bronchies divides into many
bronchioles. And all bronchioles ends with one alalvcoli. What is the basic reason of that lungs owns edifice like this.
a) to cover a little area
b) to incease of respiratory surface
c) to increase cappillioires number
d) to keep constant quantity of humidity
e) to keep constant body heat
42-Like a fish which has a lung and like frog has many respiratory organs. Which of the above isnt interested in this livings?
a) adult frog takes dissolved oxygen from surround
b) fiches have lungs uses their gills in the water
c) frog lungs doesnt own edifice in alvedes
d) fishes which own lungs have alvedes tranport capillary
e) frogs skin skin thin and moisture.
43-In human cell respiration wich important system works to remove the need of oxygen and to refine the carbon dioxide?
a) Respiration and skeleton
b) Endockrine and tissue
c) Transport and respiration
d) Tissue and nerve
e) Nerve and enockrine.
44- Which of the below in the common property of respiratory organs
a) To own capillaries
b) To fount in vertebrates
c) To have a wide surface
d) Ability of taking oxygen from the atmosphere
45- Interested in human which situated in the little amount of oxygen
I) Respiration will accelerate
II) Decrease of erythrocyte numbers
III) The breath of heart will increase
IV) In blood the leucocyte number will increase
Which of them are false
a) I and II b) I and III c) I and IV d) II and IV e) II and III
46- I Chest
II Two lungs
III Oyaphram
IV respiratory tube
Above are given some edifices for vertebrates about respiration. Which of them are only in mammals?
a) only I b) only III c) I & III d) II & III e) I & II
47- I Found in erythrogtes
II carry oxygen
III to carry bicarbonate ions
IV found in blood plasm.
Which of the above privates in the common property of animals respiratory pigment which owns transport system?
a) only I b) only II c) I & II d) V & IV e) I & III
48-Below given about respiratory pigments. Which are true?
a) Found iron in the structure
b) Transport in plasm
c) Givs red colour to blood
d) Gives reaction with reverse oxygen
e) Found in erythrocyte
49- In the figure given the exchange through lung & tissue in human. Below given about I and II. Which is true?
a) I event oxygen transport in plasm
b) II event oxygen transport in plasm
c) II event HCO3 tranport in plasm
d) I event oxygen transport in teucocyte
e) II event H+ transport in plasm
50-What is the reason of basic transport system being enough for insects
a) To be little according to body
b) Quick of movement
c) Respirate with trachea respiratoin
d) Ability of living with a little food
e) Strongness of heary muscles
51-in various animals in blood found hemoglobin. Hemoglobin , hemeorithrin and chloraonin. What is the common property of these pigments.
A) Carry out oxygen
B) To give a red colour to the blood
C) To found iron in their structure
D) To found copper in their structure
E) To find leucocytes in their structure
52-Which of the below insects which have trachea respiration doesnt find found I their blood.
a) Glycose
b) Amino acids
c) Metallic vasle
d) Hemeglobin
e) Lipid acid
53-which of the below is the common property of trachea, gill and lung respiration
a) To have alveoles
b) To form from thin
c) To found inner of the body
d) To carry oxygen to the itssue
54-which of the below dont carry oxygen to the tissue.
a) Grasshoper
b) Fish
c) Worms
d) Leech
e) Bird
55-If the quantity of oxygen decreases in atmosphere, which of the following below can be reason danger of human life?
a) To increase amount of emptied thing in cell
b) The emitting accelerate of blood circulatoin
c) Acceleration of breathing
d) The produce a little than wanted
e) To increase blood pressure in body
56-Which of the below doesnt take a role in adaptation of being met oxygen necessitiate?
a) To find hemoglobin in erythrocyte
b) Formaha of erythrocytes from one layer epital
c) Ability of changing leucosyte numbers for nessitiate?
d) Being wide surface of lung of gas exchange
e) The ability of dense of breathing amount of CO2
57- The path air in the human respiratory system is from nasal cavity to
a. larnyx to pharnyx to trachea to bronchus to bronchiole to alveoli
b. pharnyx to trachea to larnyx to bronchus to alveoli to bronchiole
c. larnyx to pharnyx to bronchus to bronchiole to alveoli to trachea
d. trachea to bronchus to bronchiole to larnyx to pharnyx to alveoli
e. pharnyx to larnyx to trachea to bronchus to bronchiole to alveoli
58- Which statement about hemoglobin is not true?
a. it can reversibly bind oxygen
b. its binding to oxygen is sensitive to blood pH
c. up to six molecules of oxygen can be bound
d. it is an iron containing protein
e. it greatly increases the oxygen-carrying capacity of blood