1. There is a chain like relationship among organнisms living in an ecosystem. Each organism forms the rings of the chain and survives by eating the organism below it.
According to the above statement, which of the following best describes the diagram?
A) Alitotroph herbivore carnivore
B) Herbivore autotroph carnivore
C) Omnivore carnivore autotroph
D) Carnivore autotroph omnivorc E) Autotroph carnivore omnivore
2. The graph below shows the variation the nambcr of individuals per unit time in an ecosystem.
In the light of this information which of the following can not be deduced?
A) In the time interval the growth rate is of a negative valve.
B) The environmental conditions of the secнond and fourth lime intervals arc the same
C) At the end of the third time Interval popuнlation density has reached the highest point of its carrying capacity
D) The growth rale in the first and second
time intervals is of positive valve E) The population in the seventh time interval
has begun Lo decline
3. I- Birth rule
II- Body weight of the individuals II!- Height of {he individuals [V- Environmental changes Which of the above factors determine the growth rate of population? A) I and 11 B) I and IV C)II and III D) II and IV E) III and IV
4. Which of the bacteria listed below should be placed in the blank place on the scheme showing the nitrogen cycle?
A) Those causing decay
B) Those making chemosynthesis
C) Those oxidizing nitrogen
D) Those carrying photosynthesis E) Those oxidizing ammonia
5. Which of the following one is most effective the protection of nature?
A) The protection of forests
B) The purification of industrial wastes
C) The reduction in the use of insecticides
D) The prohibition of hunting of an animal species
E) The prohibition of dumping unpurified inнdustrial wastes into the sea
6. In rivers rich with nitrogen compounds, the rocks are very slippery What is the main reason for this?
A) The flattening of the rocks because of water flow
B) The accumulation of the spoiled organic organisms
C) The accumulation of lime stone
D) The mucoiis secretion of unicellular algae E) The secretion from little crabs.
7. Which of the following determine the rate of population growth?
I- Number of individuals
II- Body size of individual
III- Height of individuals
IV- Time interval
A) land 11 B) I and IV C) II and III D) II and IV E) III and IV
8. What is the main reason for the importance of saprophytes in the nitrogen cycle in naнture?
A) They produce alcohol from grape Juice
B) They degrade cellulose in the intestines of herbivorous animals
C) They convert grape juice into vinegar
D) They convert milk into white cheese E) They convert organic organisms into inorнganic ones.
9. The graph below shows the total amount of an insecticide in the tissues of species 1,11,I1,IV,V which form the different links of food chain.
Which of the following shows the order of these five species from producer to the top carnivore?
a) 111-ii-iv-v-i
B) 111-1V-1-11-V C)I11-1V-II-1-V
d) iv-iii-ii-i-v
10. During the 1950's some insecticides like DDT were used subsequently a high yield of agriнcultural products was observed. Moreover malaria which was quite common in that reнgion nearly disappeared. In the following 20 years, however insecticides were used more than before, plant insect pests and malaria inнcreased.
Which of the following caused this change in the following 20 years?
I- The insecticides developed' resistance
II- Useful insects: were destroyed ||| - The number of fresh waler fish arid frogs were reduced.
A) only I B) only III C) I and II D) IIand III E) I-II and III
11. In a freshwater ecosystem, the ratio of a harm-ful substance in the water is found in mg per million: This ratio varies from %0,5 mg, %0,2 mg to %0,25 mg in the tissues of the species forming the food chain in that ecosysнtem
In the light of this, which of the following species forming the food chain has the ratio of %0,25 mg
A) Carnivorous fish
B) Plankton
C) Fish feeding seabirds
D)_Herbivorous_fish E) Phytoplankton
12. The following improvements were observed in a naturally formed lake in species x,y,and z
- Due to the increase of nitrogen, phosphate salts and carbon dioxide in the water. the number ofy species and the oxygen amount increased.
- The increase in the individual number ofz species caused 11 decrease of oxygen in the water
- The individuals of species x finally disapнpeared Statements is the data sufficient?
A) Y species contains chlorophyll
B) Nitrogen salts caused species x to disapнpear
C) Species z is a saprophyte
D) Species z eats species x E) The species have consumed all available food
13. Which of the following one is incorrect about the relationship between an organнism and its habitat
A) The habitat is the place where the organнism can spontaneously live and reproduce
B) The habitat is the address of an organism C.') Every organism adapts to its habitat very
well D) Organisms are in a continuous exchange
with living and non living substances
around them r.) A habitat certainly containing a non living
14. In a healthy ecosystem there is
I- Photosynthesis
II- Aerobic respiration III- Sexual reproduction TV- Holozoic nutrition
Which of the two events mentioned above cannot be processed at the same time by an individual in a population? A) I and IV B) II and IV C) I and II D) II and IV E) I and III
15. I- insectivorous plant
II- Legumes
III- Cereal crops
Which of the one(s) above can grow in niнtrogen poor soil?
A) only I B) I and 11 C) onty II D) I and IV E) 1-11 and III
16. In an experiment, three different unicellular species were fed with nutrients K,L,M and N separately. Their growth rate was as folнlows ; (+) poor, (++) medium, (+++) good, (++++) very good. The three species do not complete with each other.
When they are grown together, which of the following food composition should be used in order to the three species to develop well? A)KandL B)KandM C) Kand N D) K,L and M E) K,M and N
17. Which of the following is not a characнteristic of an animal population?
A) Individuals are equally distributed
B) Their development growth is up to maxiнmum density
C) Each population has a natural birth and death ratio
D) The age group as well as male and female ratios form the population structure
E) There is parasitism, communalism and muнtualism in every population.
18. In which of the following habitats can more animal species be found
A) Underground
B) In fresh water
C) In places with a rich plant variety
19- According to the Hardy-Weinberg law, genetic equilibrium within a gene pool is contingent upon several factors. Which of the following is one of the requirements?
A- Population size must be small.
B- Genetic drift occurs.
C- Thereis an absence of gene flow.
D- Mutations are frequent and not balanced.
E- There is an absence of random reproduction.
20-When there are no limiting factors to restrain population growth, the population number are expected to
(A) Increse exponentially
(B) Increase at a constant rate
(C) Stablize at the birth equal to deaths
(D) Change unpredictably
(E) Decrease as a result of mutaion
21-Which of the following contributes LEAST to speciation?
A.Sexual Reproduction B.Isolation C.Variation
D.Asexual Reproduction E.Selection
22-If were possible to eliminate the organism Plasmodium vivax, then it would be possible to eliminate the disease:
A.AİDS B.Malaria C.Cholera
D.African Sleeping Illness E.Botulism