1- Parents : MmRr x mmRR
Which of the following doesnt form from this parent ?
(Aşagıdakilerden hangisi yukarıdaki çaprazlamadan oluşmaz)
a) Mmrr b) mmRR c) mmRr d) MmRr e) MmRR
2- P : KK kk
F1 : Kk
What are the phenotypes of the individuals of F2 generations ?
(F1 in kendisi ile çaprazlanmasında F2 de hangileri oluşur)
a) KK,Kk,Kk,kk b) KK,KK,Kk,Kk c) kk,kk,Kk,KK d) kk,kk,kk,Kk e) kk,kk,,kk,kk
3- 50 % AA , 50 % Aa
Which of the following parents genotypes would produce the above proportions in their offsprings ?(Aşagıdakilerin hangisinden yukarıdaki sonuçlar oluşur)
a) Aa x aa b) Aa x Aa c)AA x aa d)AA x Aa e) aa x aa
4- In this pedigree of a family , brown eyes are indicated as , blue eyes as . The eye color of Charles is not given.
From this chart, it can be determined that (Aşagıdaki pedigriye göre verilenlerden hangisi doğrudur)(Kahverengi göz dominant)
Richard Alice
Charles Joan
Sylvia Joseph
a) Richard and Alice are both homozygous for brown eyes
b) Charles is probably homozygous for brown eyes
c) Charles is probably heterozygousus for brown eyes
d) Charles is homozygous for blue eyes
e) Sylvias eyes could not be brown since her mother is blue-eyed
5- If Johns father has type A blood and his mother has type 0 blood, Johns blood type will most likely be(Eğer Johnun babası A annesi 0 kan grubundan ise kendisininki ne olabilir)
a) A or B b) A or 0 c) A or AB d) B or 0 e) AB or 0
6- In a large litter of guinea pigs, three quarters of the offspring were black ( Black is dominant ). The genotypes of the parents were most likely(2 domuz çaprazlandığında 4 yavrudan 3 tanesi siyah oluyor.Çaprazlanan hayvanların genotipi nedir)(B=Siyah)
a)BB x bb b)Bb x bb c)Bb x Bb d)Bb x BB e) BB x BB
14- A female mouse with black hairs and brown eyed is crossed with the male mouse with white hairs and blue eyed. First offspring is a male with white hairs and blue eyed.What is the genotypes of female mouse ?(S=Black, s=White, D=Brown, d=Blue) (Siyah tüylü ve kahverengi gözlü dişi bir fare ile bayaz tüylü, mavi gözlü fare çaprazlanıyor.Sonuçta bayaz tüylü, mavi gözlü erkek fare oluşuyor.Buna göre dişi farenin genotipi nedir)
a) SSDD b) Ssdd c) SsDd d) SsDD e) ssDD
15- In which of the following cross, may has ratio of phenotype like 9,3,3,1 ?(Aşagıdakilerden hangisi sonucu 9,3,3,1 fenotip oranı oluşur)
a) AABB x aabb b) AaBb x aabb c) Aabb x AaBB
d) AaBb x AaBb e) aaBb x AaBb
TIME : 35
7- In the accompanying pedigree of a family, brown eye color is indicated as and blue eye color as .
Frank Alice
Jane Robert
From this chart it can be determined that
(Yukarıdaki pedigriye göre aşagıdakilerden hangisi söylenebilir)
a) Frank is homozygous and Alice is heterozygous for brown eyes
b) Robert is heterozygous for blue eyes
c) Frank and Alice are both heterozygous for brown eyes
d) Frank and Alice are both homozygous for brown eyes
8- If a heterozygous tall, heterozygous round (TtRr) pea is crossed with another heterozygous tall, heterozygous round (TtRr) pea, the phenotypes of their offspring would be
( Heterozigot uzun ve yuvarlak bezelye ile yine heterozigot uzun ve yuvarlak bezelye çaprazlanıyor.Fenotip oranları nasıl olur)
a) All round, tall b) 8 round tall:8 short, wrinkled
c) 9 round, tall; 3 round, wrinkled; 3 short,wrinkled, 1 short, tall
d) 9 tall, round: 3 tall, wrinkled: 3 short, round: 1 short, wrinkled
9- ABO blood type is an example of
(AB0 kan grubu sistemi hangisine örnektir)
a) Multiple alleles(Çok allellik)
b) sex chromosomes(Cinsiyet kromozomları)
c) autosomes(Vücut karekterlerini oluşturan kromozomlar)
d) Fraternal twins(Çift yumurta ikizi)
10- I-Modification II-Mutation III-Crossing-over IV-Adaptation
Which of the above terms cause genetic variety ?
(Yukarıdakilerden hangileri kalıtsal varyasyona neden olur)
a) I-II b) I-III c) II-III d) I-III-IV e) II-III-IV
11- I-AB x 00 II-A0 x B0 III-AA x B0
Which of the above parents doesnt have a child that has 0 blood type ?(Yukarıdakilerin hangisinden 0 kan gruplu çocuk oluşmaz)
a) I b) I-II c) I-III d) II e) II-III
12- How many genotypes are there in AB0 blood system ?
(AB0 kan grubu sisteminde kaç çeşit genotip oluşur)
a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5 e) 6
13- Both mother and father have AB blood group in a family. What is the lowest probability that their two doughters will be same blood group ?(Anne ve babanın AB kan gruplu olduğu bir ailede çocukların aynı kan gruptan olma ihtimali en az kaçtır)
a) 0 b) 1/4 c) 1/8 d)1/16 e) 1/32
16-A plant which has tall and yellow seed, is crossed whit other plant which has small and green seed. Their offsprings have only one phenotype. One of them is crossed whit each other. What is the probability that their offsprings will be tall and yellow seed?
a) ¼ b) 3/16 c) 9/16 d) 1/8 e) 1/32
17- What are variation, modification, adaptation, heredity, gene, dominant gene,homozygous, genotype, allele ? Explain them with examples.