1-Fungi likes plants. Because they have
A- Cell membrane B-Cell wall C- Ribosome D- Chloroplast E- Root
2-Fungi are used in the production of
A- Food B- Cotton C- Cheese
D- All of them E- None of them
3-Yeast reproduces by means of
A- Binary fission B- Spore C- Budding D- All of them E- None of them
4-Mushroom reproduces by means of
A- Binary fission B- Spore C- Budding D- All of them E- None of them
5-Fungi help in .
A- Salt formation B- Mineral formation
C- Oxygen formation D- Soil formation
E- All of them
6-Which of the following is false for fungi ?
A-They are saprophytic B-They are parasitic C-They can participate structure of lichen
D-They are photosynthetic E- None of them
7-Zygomycetes includes the ..
A- Bread mold B- Sac fungi C- Club fungi D- Imperfect fungi E- All of them
8-Saccharomyces cerevisae is used in the production of ..
A-Bread B-Beer C-Cheese D-Soil E-Sugar
9-Mushroom belongs to
A-Zygomycetes B-Ascomycetes
C-Basidiomycetes D-Deuteromycetes E- All
10- Penicillin is produced by
A-Penicillium chrysogenum B-Penicillium malaria C- Penicillium gambiense D- Penicillium nigra
E- Penicillium alba
11- Which of the following is not a subgroup of kingdom fungi ?
A- Zygomycetes B- Ascomycetes C- Flagellata
D- Basidiomycetes E- Deuteromycetes
12-Same fungi that live dead organic matter are known as ..
A- Symbionts B- Parasites C- Saprophytes
D- Mutualism E- All of them
13-Which is the name given to fungi and algae that live together ?
A- Molds B- Mushroom C- Blue green algae
D- Lichen E- Protists
14-Which of the following organisms are used in recycling organic materials ?
A- Paramecium B- Rosa C- Mushroom
D- Apple E- Human
15-In lichen, algae gives .. to fungi.
A- Water B- Carbondioxide C- Oxygen D- Food E- All of them
16- Which of the following is not property of fungi
a) All fungi make aerobic respiration
b) Some fungi can not reproduce with spore
c) They are hetetropic d) All of them
17- Which of the following organism is involved in the production of antibiotic ?
a)Monera b)Protista c)Fungi d)Plant e)Animal
18- Which of the following does help in soil formation by physically breaking down solid rocks
a)Monera b)Protista c)Fungi d)Plantae e)Animalia
19-The antibiotic penicillin is produced from
a) Zygomycetes b) Ascomycetes
c) Deuteromycetes d) Bacidiomyctes
20- Which of the following doesnt belong to fungi
a) They are microscopic
b)They are used in production of cheese and alcohol
c) Some of them cause diseases in organisms
d)They decompose dead organisms and help in the recycling of nutrients
21- Which of the following properties does not belong to fungi?
A) Eucaryotic cell structure
B) Hetetrophic nutrition
C) Extracellular digestion
D) Reproduction by sporulation
E) Anaerobic respiration
22- All of the following are charecteristic of fungi except:
a) They are saphrobes
b) There body plan is constructed of net like hypha called mycelium
c) They have cell wall
d) They are haploid e) Some fungi are parasitic
23- Which charecteristic is found in all fungal groups?
a) Heterotrophic nutrition b) Saprophytism
c) Multicellularity d) Parasitism
24- The best definition of fungi would be:
a) Eucaryotic, heterotrophic plant
b) Parasitic, eucaryotic plant
c) Saprophytic plants
d) Saphrophytic heterotrophs
e) Eucaryotic multicellular heterotrphs
25- Yeasts are members of which phylum
a) Deuteromycota b) Oomycota c) Lichens
d) Ascomycota e) Basidiomycota
26-Which characteristic is found in ALL fungal groups?
a) heterotrophic nutrition b) saprophytism
c) multicellularity d) parasitism e) dikaryotic hyphae
27- Fungi are used in the production of
A- Penicillin B- Alcohol C- Cheese D- All of them
28-Zygomycetes includes the ..
A- Club fungi B- Sac fungi C- Bread mold
29-Mushroom belongs to
A-Zygomycetes B-Ascomycetes C- Deuteromycetes D- Basidiomycetes
30- Which of the following is not a group of fungi ?
A- Zygomycetes B- Ascomycetes C- Basidiomycetes D-Flagellata
31-Which name is given to fungi and algae association?
A- Molds B- Lichen C- Blue green algae D- Mushroom
32--Which of the following doesnt belong to fungi ?
A- They are microscopic
B-They are used in production of cheese and alcohol
C- Some of them cause diseases in organisms
D-They decompose dead organisms and help in the recycling of nutrients
33-Which characteristic is found in ALL fungal groups?
a) heterotrophic nutrition b) saprophytism
c) multicellularity d). parasitism e) dikaryotic hyphae
34-The best definition of a fungus would be:
a) eukaryotic heterotrophic plant
b) parasitic, eukaryotic plant
c) saprophytic plants
d). saprophytic heterotrophs
e) eukaryotic , multicellular heterotrophs
35--Which one is wrong for fungi? Fungi are ______.
a) parasites b) contain chlorophyll
c) saprophytes d) reproduce by spores
36-All of the following are characteristic of fungi EXCEPT:
a)They are saphrobes
b)Their body plan is constructed of net-like hypha called mycelium c)Their cell wall is composed of cellulose
d)The nuclei are haploid
e)Some fungi are parasites
37-What are mycorrhizae?
a) the fruiting body of bascidyomicota
b) asexual structures formed by deuteromycota
c) a mass of hypha
d) a mutualistic union of a fungus and an algae
e) none of the above
38-A mycelium is characteristic of most:
a.bacteria b.fungi c.protists d.sponges e.mosses
39-What do fungi and arthropods have in common?
a) both are coenocytic
b) both are haploid in their adult states
c) both are saprophytic
d) both groups contain cell walls
e) both contain chitin
40-Parasitic fungi have specialized hyphae called:
a) aseptate hyphae b) coenocytic hyphae c) sporangia d) haustoria e) dikaryotic hyphae
41-Which characteristic is found in all fungal groups?
a) heterotrophic nutrition b) saprophytism c) multicellularity d)parasitism e) dikaryotic hyphae
42-The sporangia of bread molds are:
a) asexual structures that produce haploid spores
b) asexual structures that produce diploid spores c) sexual structures that produce haploid spores d) sexual structures that produce diploid spores e) have no role in reproduction
43-Which of the following structures is associated with asexual reproduction?
a.zygospore b.basidium c.conidium d.ascus e.antheridium
44-Mushrooms and toadstools are:
a.basidiomycota b.ascomycota c.deuteromycota d.zygomycota e.lichens
45-The dominant generation in most fungi is:
a) haploid b) diploid, except under extreme conditions
c) diploid d) syngamous e)haploid and diploid equally
46-The best definition of a fungus would be:
a) eukaryotic, heterotrophic plant
b) parasitic, eucaryotic plant
c) saprophytic plant
d) saprophytic heterotrophs
e) eucaryotic, multicellular heterotrophs
47-Lichens can be classified based on all of the following EXCEPT:
a) crustose b) fruticose c) foliose
d.algal and fungal types e.antheridia
48-The equivalent of the ascus in club fungi is the:
a) bascidocarp b) basidium c)gill d)stipe e)mushroom
49-The sac fungi get their name from their:
a) vegetative growth form b)asexual spore formation c) sexual structures d)shape of the spores e) type of vegetative mycelium
50- Yeasts are members of which division:
a) deuteromycota b)oomycota c)lichens d) ascomycota e) basidiomycota
51-A highly coiled DNA molecule wrapped around histone proteins is a
a.strand of chromatin b.chromosome c.centriole d.kinetochore
52- A feature of the lichen associations is that
a) the algal partner protects the fungal partners
b) the fungal partner can pair with any algal partner
c) the algal partner can pair with any fungal partner
d) the association is harmfull to both partners
e) the association can occupy habitats that neither organism by itself could occupy.
53- All of the following are characteristic of fungi EXCEPT:
a) they are saphrobes
b) there body plan is constructed of net-like hypha called mycelium
c) their cells wall is composed of cellulose
d) the nucleic are huploid
e) some fungi are parasitic
54- Which characteristic is found in ALL fungal groups?
a) heteretrophic nutrition
b) saprophytist
c) multicellularity
d) parasitism
55- The best difinition of a fugus would be ;
a) eycaryotic heteretrophic plant
b) parasitic eycaryotic plant
c) sapophrophytic pklants
d) saprophytic plants
e) eycaryotic, multicellylar
56- Yeasts are members of which division
a) deutoramycote
b) comycota
c) lichens
d) ascomyta
e) basidicomyta