1- Where is the appendix ?
a)On the liver b)On the large intestine c) On the heart
d) On the small intestine e) On the pancreas
2- The muscular lid which closes the windpipe as we swallow food
a) Pharynx b) Esophagus c) Epiglottis
d) Eustachian e) Stomach
3- In which organism are digestive and excretory wastes removed by same structures ?
a) Human b) Bear c) Bird d) Elephant e) Cow
4- Which part of the digestive tract does not secrete enzymes ?
a) Ciliated epithelium b) Diaphram c) Pancreas d) Esophagus e) None
5- I-Lipase II-Trypsin III-Amylase IV-Insulin V- Glucagon
All of the above are found in pancrease. Which of them is/are secreted directly into blood ?
a) I-II b) II-III c) I-III d) IV-V e) I-V
6-Which of the following enzymes is not effective in carbohydrates digestion ?
a)Lactase b) Maltase c) Amylase d) Lipase e) Sucrose
7- I- Peptone Erepsin Aminoacid
II- Trypsinogen + Enterokinase Trypsin
III- Pepsinogen + HCl Pepsin
IV- Protein + H2O Erepsin Peptone
V- Starch + H2O Erepsin Glucose
Which of the above reactions take place in the small intestine ?
a) I-II b) II-V c) III-IV d) II-IV e) I-II
8- Maltose + H2O Maltase 1 + Glucose
Sucrose + H2O Sucrase 2 + Glucose
Lactose + H2O Lactase 3 + Galactose
By which of the following combinations can the number 1, 2 , 3 . be substituted ?
1 2 3
a) Glucose Galactose Glucose
b) Glucose Fructose Glucose
c) Fructose Glucose Glucose
d) Galactose Glucose Fructose
e) Glucose Fructose Galactose
9- Foods have to be digested before they can be used by the body because
a) Stomach is center of digestion
b) The villi gives aminoacids to small intestine
c) Small materials can pass through the cell membrane
d) The villi digest only small nutrients
e) Only soluble materials can pass through membranes
10-Special structures for absorbtion in the small intestine are called
a)Alveoli b) Tubules c) Mucous gland d) Villi e) Pristaltis
11- How dissolved food enters the bloodstream ?
a) Peristaltis b) Digestion c) Absorbtion d) Circulation e) Emulsification
12-How food is moved along the alimentary tract ?
a) Peristaltis b) Digestion c) Absorbtion d) Circulation e) Emulsification
13-How fat particles are made smaller ?
a) Peristaltis b) Digestion c) Absorbtion d) Circulation e) Emulsification
14-Digestive enzymes that hydrolyze molecules of lipid into fatty acid and glycerol molecules are known as
a) Lactose b) Lipase c) Bile d) Amylase e) Pepsin
15-Which organ of the human digestive system produces HCl ?
a) Spleen b) Gall baldder c) Stomach
d) Small intestine e) Large intestine
16- I- Lipase II- Pepsinogen III- Erepsin . IV- Gastrin V- Secretin
All of the above enzymes are found in the human digestive system. Which of them are secreted directly into the alimentary tract ?
17- Which of the following is not involved in protein digestion ?
a) Secretin b) Rennin c) Cholecystokinin d) Erepsin e) Pancreas
18- Voice box is loceted in the
a) Nose b)Pharynx c) Larynx d) Trachea e) Lungs
19- Which of the following food can digest in the esophagus ?
a) Protein b) Carbohydrates c) Lipid d) All e) None
20-Digestion of which organic compound can occur only in an acidic environment ?
a) Lipid b) Carbohydrates c) Protein
d) Cellulose e) Glycogen
21-Which enzyme is not secrated by glands in the human digestive system ?
a)Maltase b)Cellulase c)Lipase d) Amylase e) Pepsin
22-Which of the following is not involved in carbohydrates digestion ?
a)Pancreas b) Mouth c) Gastric glands
d) Small intestine e) Salivary glands
23-Which one is not an enzyme source ?
a) Pancreas b) Stomach c) Small intestine d) Liver e) Salivary glands
24-The chemical digestion of lipid takes place in
a) Mouth-Stomach-Small intestine
b) Stomach-Small intestine
c) Large intestine-Mouth
d) Small intestine
e) Stomach
25-Which of the following can not be absorbed in small
intestine ?
a)Glucose b)Glycerol c)Fatty acid d)Starch e)Vitamin
26- I- Secretion of enzymes II- Peristaltic movements . III- Secretion of hormones
Which one directly causes the break down of nutrients chemically in human intestine ?
a) I b) II c) III d) I III e) I II III
27- I- Insectivorus plants II- Fungi
III- Flowering plants IV- Seed
Which of the above organisms make extracellular digestion ?
a) I b) II c) III d) III IV e) I II
28- Which one does not secrete digestive enzymes ?
a) Liver b) Pancreas c) Small intestine
d) Salyvary glands e) Stomach
29- Which is not a function of liver ?
a) Stores A,D,K vitamins b) Produces heparin c)Secretes bile
c) Regulates the blood sugar d) Synthesizes fibrinogen
30- In which part of digestive tract, is the digestion of organic molecules completed ?
a) Mouth b) Esophagus c) Stomach
d) Small intestine e) Large intestine
31- Which of the following vitamins is synthesized in large intestine by bacteria ?
a) A b) C c) K d) E e) D
32- Which of the following structures secrete enzymes for digestion process?
a) Liver b) Esophagus c) Pancreas d) Appendix e) Large intestine
33- What is the function of villi which is found in small intestine?
a)Secretion b)Digestion c)Absorbtion d)Excretion e)All
34-Which of the following is not a function of hydrochloric acid secreted into the stomach?
a)As a bacteriocidal agent
b)as a turn-on factor for some proteolytic enzymes
c) as an aid in the formation of chylomicrons for fat digestion
d)as a denaturing agent
35- Which of the following is incorrect concerning the pancreas?
a) Among its secretion products are the enzymes trypsin and chymotrysin.
b) The pancreas plays only a minor role in blood sugar level regulation.
c)The digestive secretions of the pancreas are controlled in part by the hormone secretin.
d)The pancreas can be considered an exocrine and an endocrine gland.
36-Which of the following hormones is incorrectly paired with its stimulus?
a)Gastrin - distention of the stomach wall.
b)Secretin - low pH in doudenum.
c) Cholecystokinin - high pH in ileum.
d) Salivary amylase - the thought of a juicy steak.
37-Which of the following is incorrect concerning bile?
a)It consists of bile acids, pigments, cholesterol and lecithin. It is synthesized in the liver and stored in the gall bladder.
b)It is released when the gall bladder contracts. This is caused by stimulation from the hormone chlocystokinin.
c)Its main functions is the emulsification of fats. It does this by breaking up fat globules into smaller units called micelles. This increases the surface area available for lipase activity.
d) All constituents of bile are excreted out of the body as part of the feces. Essentially, there is no recirculation of components.
38-Which of the following is not a function of the liver?
a) Hydroxylation of vitamin D
b) Regulation of blood sugar levels via synthesis and secretion of insulin and glucagon.
c)Detoxification of ammonia via its conversion to urea.
d)Conversion of glucose into fat, which can then be stored in adipose tissue.
39-The region of the tooth containing nerves and blood vessels is called the
a)pulp b) enamel c) dentin d) none of the above
40)Which of the following hormones stimulates release of bile from the gall bladder?
a)glucagon b) histamine c) gastrin and secretin
d) gastrin and Cholecystokinin e) cholecystokin
41-The hormone glucagon:
a)has the opposite effect on the liver that insulin does
b)converts glycogen into glucose
c)is produced in the beta cells of the pancreas
d) a + b
e)b + c
42-The enzyme sucrase acts on
A) sucrose only. B) sucrose and starch.
C) any disaccharide. D) any organic monomer.
43-Which of the following statements most accurately describes a phagocytotyc amoeba?
a) It is an autotrophic organism
b) It is a parasitic organism
c) It is a saprophyte
d) It is capable of extracellular digestion
e) It is capable of intracellular digestion
44-In function,which of the following enzymes resembles that secreted by insectivorous plants?
a) Lipase b) Amylase c) Trypsin
d)Rennin e) Maltase
45- I- Lipase II- Trypsin III- Amylase
IV- Insulin V- Glucagon
All of the above enzymes are found in pancreatic juise.Which of them is/are secreted directly into the bllod stream?
a)I-II b)II-III c)I-III d)IV-V e)Only III
46- I- Carnivores II-Herbivores III-Omnivores
According to the length of their intestine in ascending ordert,which of the following combinations is correct?
47-One of the common properties of organisms that are capable of digestion?
a) Their digestive tract consists of a simple gut.
b) Their digestive tract consists of a mouth and an anus.
c) They have teeth.
d) Their digestive system contein digestive enzymes.
e) They have an esphagus.
48-Digestion of which organic compound can occur only in an acidic environment?
a)Lipid b)Protein c)Vitamins d)Carbohydrate e)Celulose
49-In the digestion of strach to glucose,transition molecules of dextrine are formed.which of the following has a relationship with peptones that resembles that of strach and dextrine?
a)Lipid b)Glycogen c)Cellulose d)Protein e)Vitamin
50-Which of the folowing is not an example of mechanical digestion?
a)Disolving of sugar in the mouth
b)Mastication od food by the teeth
c)Conversion of strach into glucose
d)Degradation of large lipid molecules into smaller molecules by the action of bile salts
e)Meltıng of butter in the mouth
51- I- Carbohydrates II-Lipids III- Proteins
Digestion of which of the above organic molecules is performed only by pancreatic enzymes?
a)Only I b)II-III c)I-II d)II-III e)Only II
52- Which of the following structures of worms and birds performs the same function as teeth?
a)Mouth b)Gizzard c)Stomach d)Esophagus e)Intestine
53-The presence of which one of the following in the
large intestine is indicative of a lack of a particular eenzymes that is necessary for its digestion?
a)Amino acid b)Glucose c)Maltose d)Digestive enzymes
e)Dead epithelial tissue sloughed off alimentary tract
54-Which of the following organisms has a simple gut?
a)Hydra b)Earthworm c)Housefluy
d)Goldfish e)Common frog
55-What is the common property of the waste products of proteins , lipids , strachand and glycogen?
a)They are all absorbed by blood capillares
b)They are all absorbed by lymphatic capillaries
c)They all have the some time period of absorption
d)They all can be used as an energysorce
e)They all contein nitrogen
56-Which enzymes is not secreted by glands in the
human digestive system?
a)Cellulase b)Maltase c)Sucrase
d)amylase e)antarokinase
57- 1 Amino acid II Glucose III Maltose
IV Protein V Starch
The material excanges of nonphtosynthetic organisms are shown on the graphs above.Which of these graphs is that of digestion?
a)I-II b) II-III c)III-V d)I-IV e)III
58- I. Pesinogen II Trypsinogen
Which of the following substances are involved in the activation of the above precursors?
a) Pepsin secreting
b) HCl erepsin
c) Gastrin bile salt
d) Protein peptone
e) HCl enterokinase
Which of the following statements is imposible to prove from this experiment?
a) The experiment was to demonstrate lipid digestion
b) No digestion was observed in the first tube
c) Fastest digestion occurred in the third tube
d) Fastest color change was obsorved in the third tube
e) The color change in the first tube was slowest
60- I-HCl II-pH in the stomach III- Secretin IV- Gastrin
Which of the above factors is effective in the inactivation of amylase , an enzyme active in corbohydrate digaestion?
a) I-II-IV b) II-IV c) III-IV d) I-II e) II-III-IV
61-Which of the following enzymes is not effective carbohydrate digestion?
a) Lactase b) Maltase c)Amylase d)Lipase e)Surase
62-Which one of the following is not involved in carbohydrate digestion?
a) Pancreas b) Salivary glands c) Gastric glands
d) Small intestine e)Liver
63- renin enzyme
Mi lk X+H2O
For the enzyme driven reaction in a vewbor infant , give the name of substance X shown above ?
a)Amino acid b)Protein c)Glucose d)Starch e)Casein
64-Which one of the has no role in carohydrate difestion?
a)HCl b)Amylase c)Secretin d)Gastrin e)Teeth
65- Substances absorbed by the stomahch, small intestine and large intestine pass first into the hepatic portal vein and are then transported to the liver. Once there, these substances are altered in various processes.
Which of the following is not one of these processes?
a)Detoxification of toxic substances
b)Conversion of excess amounts of glucose into glycogen
c)Conversion of excess amount of glycose into fat
d)Storage of some vitamins
e)The increase in absorption of substances in the event of a lack of a nutritive substance in the body
66-Which of the following take an active role in protein
a) HCI pepsinogen
b) Pepsin trypsin
c) Pepsinogen trypsinogen
d) Gastrin secretin
e) Secretin tripsinogen .
67-Whıch of the followıng organıc molecules can not be
digested in the alimentary tract?
a)Proteinstrach b)Fat-protein c)Carbohydrate-protein
d)Glucoseamino acid e)Starch-peptone
1 2 3 4
maltase galactose glucose dextrine
Which of the following must be substituted for the above numbers?
a)Amylase lactose galactase maltase
b)Amylase lactose trypsin maltase
c)Amylase amylase glycose amylase
d)Amylase lipase fructase glycose
e)Lipase lactase sucrose amylase
69-Protein Peptone Stomach
1 2 3
Peptone 3 HCl + pepsinogen
Which of the following must be substituted for the above numbers?
1 2 3 4
a)Trypsin pepsin amino acid food
b)Pepsin amino acid trypsin gastrin
c)Pepsin trypsin amino acid gastrin
d)Trypsinogen Pepsinogen HCl pancreas
e)Stomach smal intestine amino acid blood
70- maltase
Maltase+ H2O I+glucose
(Malt sugar)
Sucrose+H2O II+glucose
(Malt sugar)
Lactose+H2O III+galactose
(Milk sugar)
By which of the following combinations can the numbers I,II,III be substituted?
a)Glucose galactase glucose
b)Glucose fructose glucose
c)Fructose glucose glucose
d)Galactose glucose fructose
e)Glucose fructose galactose
71- Starch+water maltose + dextrine
Which substance can be substituted for starch to produce maltose and dextrine?
a)Lipid b)Cellulose c)Glucogen d)Glucose e)Protein
72-Amylase enzyme is added to atube conteining food.
Graphs one and two are of which of the following food materials?
a)Protein amino acid
b)Lipid glycerol
c)Starch glucose
d)Fat fatty acid
e)Maltose starch
73-After digestion of lipid,which of the following does not take place during their absorption?
a)They pass into the lymph circulation by active transport
b)Fatty acid and glycerol are absorbed by epithelial cells of the small intestine
c)Their combination with albumin forms chylomicrons
d)Fatty acids pass into the lymph circulation by diffusion
e)Chylomicron is transported into lymph capillaries
74-Which of the following plays no role in the absorption of digested food in the intestine?
a)Diffusion b)Osmosis c)Active transport
d)Digestive enzymes e)Pinocytosis
75-The deficiency of which hormone may cause diabeds mellutus?
76-Which one of the following facts about absorption is false?
a)Fatty acid and glycerol are absorbed by the small inntestine and are transported into lymph capillaries
b)The amount of food particles in the hepatic portal vein is proportional to the amount of food particles absorbed
c)most absorption takes place in the small intestine
d)Villi on the inner surface of the small intestine increase surface area and rate of absorption
e)The inner surface of the small intestine is not covered with capillaries
77- Which of these animals has a gastrovascular cavity?
a) Bird b) Hydra c) Ant d) Clam e) Tick
78- Which of the following is a part of digestive tract which fat digestion begins and ends here ?
a)Liver b)Pancreas c)Small intestine d)Gall bladder e)Stomach
79- 47. The substrate of salivary amylase is: a). protein b). fat c). glucose d). sucrose e). starch
a). Liver b). Pancreas c). small intestine d). gall bladder e). stomach
80- What part of the brain serves the purpose of controlling balance, gait, and coordination?
a. inferior colliculus
b. hypothalamus
c. thalamus
d. cerebellum
e. corpus callosum
81- Entry of sodium ions into a nerve cell causes the cell to
a. do nothing.
b. repolarize.
c. hyperpolarize.
d. depolarize.
e. rejuvenate
82- The ANS efferents supply innervation to
a. heart muscle.
b. smooth muscle cells.
c. gland cells.
d. All of the above.
e. None of the above.
83- Epinephrine is also known as
a. dopamine
b. acetylcholine
c. serotonin
d. noradrenaline
e. adrenaline
84- The space between a nerve ending and the cell innervated by the nerve ending is called the
a. neuron
b. ganglion
c. gap junction
d. synapse
e. quanta
85- The "all-or-none" principle essentially means that
a. all neurons in a reflex pathway depolarize at the same time.
b. when a neuron depolarizes to threshold, it is committed to depolarizing all along its axon.
c. either all sodium ions exit the neuron during depolarization, or none of the do.
86- Insulin
a. is produced by liver
b. is produced by kidney
c. is produced by pancreas
d. is produced by brain
87-Functions of the digestive system include all of the following EXCEPT
a. amylase production
b. intrinsic factor catabolism
c. absorption of nutrients
d. feces formation
e. swallowing of food
88-Food passes from ___ to ____.
a. duodenum to stomach
b. ileum to jejunum
c. jejunum to ileum
d. colon to ileum
e. stomach to esophagus
89-Food passes from ___ to ____.
a. pharynx to esophagus
b. duodenum to stomach
c. ileum to duodenum
d. jejunum to stomach
e. colon to duodenum
90-Bile passes directly from gallbladder to ____.
a. hepatic duct
b. common bile duct
c. duodenum
d. cystic duct
e. hepatic artery
91-The main function(s) of the stomach is/are
a. lipase production
b. pepsinogen production
c. gastrin production
d. ALL of the above
e. NONE of the above
92- Gallbladder
a. makes CCK
b. makes pepsin
c. stores bile
d. ALL of the above
e. BOTH a and c
93- Which molecule(s) is/are improperly matched with the organ of origin?
a. pepsinogen : duodenum
b. gastrin : duodenum
c. amylase : stomach
d. intrinsic factor : ileum
e. ALL of the above
94- Cholecystokinin
a. is an enzyme
b. is a hormone
c. is an acid
d. is a nutrient
e. is part of bile
95- Villi and microvilli
a. increase effective surface area.
b. are abundant along the length of the colon.
c. BOTH a and b
d. NEITHER a nor b
96- The stomach, small and large intestine, and the wall of the gallbladder all contain
a. smooth muscle
b. skeletal muscle
c. BOTH a and b
d. NEITHER a nor b
97- Which of the following is not a direct function of the vertebrate liver?
A) Synthesis of plasma proteins
B) Carbohydrate metabolism
C) Deamination
D)Reabsorption of water
98- The ruminants-animals such as deer and cows-are able to digest cellulose. Each of the
following contributes to the special divestive abilities of the ruminant EXCEPT
A) multichambered gastrointestinal tract
B)bacteria within digestive tract
C)protozoa within digestive tract
D)ability to convert β-glucose to -glucose
99- Bile, a complex fluid that assist in the digestion of fatty substances, is produced by the
A- gallbladder
B- small intestine
C- pancreas
D- stomac
E- liver
100- Which of the following is not a direct function of the vertebrate liver?
A- Synthesis of plasma proteins
B- Carbohydrate metabolism
C- Deamination
D- Reabsorption of water
101- In humans, which of the following allow efficiend absorption of digested foodstuffs to occur?
1- Microvilli
2- Large surface area
3- Presence of certain viruses
A- 1 only
B- 2 only
C- 1 and 2 only
D- 1 and 3 only
E- 1, 2 and 3 only
102-Which of the following structures secrete enzymes for digestion?
A) liver
B) esophagus
D) appendix
E) large intestine
103- Starch I Glucose II CO2 + H2O III glucose
Which of the above reaction occurs in the digestive tract?
A) I only
B) I and II
C) I - III
104- Which of the following structures secrete enzymes for digestion process
105- Which of the follwing enzymes is not secreted by glands of hyman digestive system?
106- The chemical digestion of organic molecules is complected in
107- Which of the following organic molecules is not used as energy sours?
108-By the time food enters the human stomach,
a. physical digestion is completed and protein digestion has begun
b. physical digestion is not complete and fat digestion has no begun
c. physical digestion is completed and starch digestion has begun
d. physical digestion is not complete and protein digestion has not begun
e. none of the above are true
109-Food is normally prevented from entering the trachea by
a. the pharnyx
b. the back of the tongue
c. the tonsils
d. the epiglottis
e. the involuntary muscles at the top of the trachea
110-The role of hydrochloric acid in the digestive process is to
a. begin the breakdown of starch
b. disrupt the matrix that binds cells together in the food
c. hydrolyze lipids
d. make the food acidic
e. inactivate amylase
111-The pH in the stomach is controlled by
a. a negative feedback loop involving gastrin
b. a positive feedback loop involving gastrin
c. the release of gastric juice by the cardiac orfice
d. the production of bicarbonate by the pancreas
e. the neutralizing effect of bile
112-Which is not involved in the digestion of fats?
a. bile
b. gall bladder
c. lipase
d. trypsin
e. enterogastrone
113-If most of your large intestine was removed,
a. the feces would contain large amounts of undigested fat
b. protein digestion would be incomplete
c. the feces would be very acidic
d. starch digestion would be incomplete
e. the feces would contain large amounts of water
114-An organism that has long digestive tract and broad flat teeth would likely be
a. a bulk feeding herbivore
b. a fluid feeding herbivore
c. a suspension feeding detritivore
d. a substrate feeding carnivore
e. none of the above
115- If you are not able to eat for several days, the energy for your body will come
a. first from proteins and then glycogen
b. first from stored fat and then glycogen
c. first from glycogen and then proteins
d. first from glycogen and then stored fat
e. first from stored fat and then proteins
116- Digestion of which organic compound can occur only in an acidic
a)lipid b) carbohydrate c) protein
d) cellulose e) glycogen
117- which enzyme isnt secreted by glands in the human digestive system?
a)maltase b) cellules c) lipase d) amities e)pepsin
118-Which of the following doesnt have a role in the carbohydrate digestible
a)s. amylase b) p.amylase c)lipase d)maltase e)lactase
119-.Which of the following is not involved In carbohydrate digestion?
a)pancreas b)mouth c)gastric glands d)small intestine e)salivary gland
120- which one isnt an enzyme source?
a)pancreas b) stomach c)small intestine d)eiver e)salivary glands
121-The chemical digestion of lipids takes place in..
a) mouth, stomach, small intestine
b)stomach, and small intestine
c)large intestine and mouth
d)only small intestine
122 In birds, serves the function of teeth
A. colon B. Gallbladder C. Gizzard D. small intestine E. stomach
123- In cows, is the site of rennin production
A. colon B. Gallbladder C. Gizzard D. small intestine E. stomach
124- In humans, is the principal digestion site
A. colon B. Gallbladder C. Gizzard D. small intestine E. stomach
125- In humans, is the temporary storage area for a fat emulsifier
A. Colon B. Gallbladder C. Gizzard D. Small Intestine E. Stomach
126- In free-living protozoans like amoebae, food is digested
A. by enzymes they secrete into the water B. in vacuoles C. in the cytoplasm
D. by bacteria within the cell E. by bacteria outside the cell
127- Which of the following organisms has both intracellular and extracellular digestion?
A. sponge B. hydra C. Earthworm D. insect E. man
128-At the time food passes through the pyloric sphincter of the alimentary canal
A. bile secreted by the liver has emulsified the fats B. proteins have been digested to amino acids C. the mixture is acid D. rennin has not yet been activated E. pancreatic enzymes are already actively digesting the food
129-By the time food enters the human stomach,
a. physical digestion is completed and protein digestion has begun
b. physical digestion is not complete and fat digestion has not begun
c. physical digestion is completed and starch digestion has begun
d. physical digestion is not complete and protein digestion has not begun
e. none of the above are true
130- Food is normally prevented from entering the trachea by
a. the pharnyx
b. the back of the tongue
c. the tonsils
d. the epiglottis
e. the involuntary muscles at the top of the trachea
131- The role of hydrochloric acid in the digestive process is to
a. begin the breakdown of starch
b. disrupt the matrix that binds cells together in the food
c. hydrolyze lipids
d. make the food acidic
e. inactivate amylase
132-Which is not involved in the digestion of fats?
a. bile
b. gall bladder
c. lipase
d. trypsin
e. enterogastrone
133- If most of your large intestine was removed,
a. the feces would contain large amounts of undigested fat
b. protein digestion would be incomplete
c. the feces would be very acidic
d. starch digestion would be incomplete
e. the feces would contain large amounts of water
134-An organism that has long digestive tract and broad flat teeth would likely be
a. a bulk feeding herbivore
b. a fluid feeding herbivore
c. a suspension feeding detritivore
d. a substrate feeding carnivore
e. none of the above