1- Which one includes all the others ?
A- Species B- Classis C- Pyhlum D- Order E- Genus
2- All of the following animals are included in the same genus as the house cat except
A- Lion B- Tiger C- Leopard D- Elephant E- Cougar
3. An independent organisms is discovered that does not contain a nucleus. In all likelihood, it would be classified in the kingdom of
a) monera b) protista c) fungi d) plantae e) animal
4. The scientist who gave us the binomial system of classification was
a)Linnaeus b)Mendel c)Mendeleeff d)Ehrlich e) Metehnikoff
5. The house cat is classified as Felis domesticus. The name of cat is the derived from which part of scientific name?
a) phylum b) classes c) Order d) genus e) species
6. Which of the following has more organisms than others?
a) Genus b) Phylum c) Order d) classis e) species
7. The organisms in which of the following groups have the most common chracteristics?
a) Kingdom b) phylum c) classis d) order e) species
8. One kind of pine has scientific name Pinus nigra. Which of the following does pinus represent in this name?
a) species b) genus c) phylum d) order e) kingdom
9. Bacteria, blue green algea and virus belong to kingdom
a) Monera, b) Protista c)Fungi d) Plantae e) animalia
10. Which of the following is not chracteristic of species?
a) Named by two name b) Unit of classification
c) They have same chromosome number
d) They have same genes
11. Animals whit same chromosome number and genes which give repruductable animals are called species. Which of the following is defined?
a) Felidae b) Felis c) Felis domesticus
d) Carnivora e) vertebrate
12. The organisms in which of the following groups have the most common characteristics?
a) species b) genus c) order d) phylum e) kingdom
13. Which of the following is located different group from other organisms ?
a) Bacteria b) Amoeba c) Paramecium d) Yeast
14- I- Capra domesticus II- Pinus nigra
III- Pinus halepensis IV- Trifolium vulgare
Which of the above organisms are similar to each other ?
a) I-II b) II-III c) III-IV d) I-IV e) II-IV
15- Which of the following is species ?
a) Populus Nigra b) Pinus c) Felidae
d) Rosa alba e) prunus alba
16- The group that includes more species than others ?
a) Monera b) Felidae c) Pinus
d) Zygomycetes e) Flagellata
17- Which is not a property of species ?
a)The members of species must be able to mate
b)They must produce fertile offspring
c)They must have same chromosome number
d) The member of species must be identical to each other
18- Which is the main reason for clssifying living things ?
a) For observing more life types
b) For finding the relationship among living things
c) For finding more life types
d) For observing to development of living things
e) For providing observation and learning facilities
19- The classification system used today is based upon
a) similarities of habitats between different organism. b) similarities of phenotypes between different organisms.
c) similarities of structures and functions between different organism.
d) similarities of ecological niches between different organisms.
20-Which of the following is the largest category of modern taxonomy?
a. class b. Species c. Kingdom d. Phylum
21-In which of the following groups common characteristics of living types the most?
a) kingdom b) phylum c) class d) species e) ordo
22-Which of the following is not named according to binomial nomenclature?
a) Kapra domesticus b) Felis domesticus c) Autotrophic d) Canis lupus e) Felis leo
23- Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of procaryotes?
a) Few, if any, organelles
b) Sythesis of protein and RNA occurs within the same comparment
c) Contain DNA within the cytoplasm
d) Transcription and translation are closely coupled events
e) Occurrence of introns with in the primary RNA transcript
24- Carolus Linnaeus classified organisms according to their
A- evolutionary trends
B- morphologic similarities
C- ability to mate
D- ability to produce viable offspring
E- ecological interrelationships
25- Representatives of a family of organisms are less alike than are the members of a
A) genus B) order C) class D) phylum E) kingdom
26-Mitosis is absent in which kingdom?
a.monera b.protista c.fungi d.animalia e.plantae
27-What is the proper sequence of this five terms?
a) Kingdom-phylum-class-family-order
b) Family-phylum-class-order-kingdom
c) Kingdom-phylum-class-order-family
d) Phylum-kingdom-family-class-order
e) Phylum-kingdom-class-family-order
28-For Homo sapiens,
a) Homo is the genus
b) The species name is sapiens
c) The phylum is Chordata
d) The Class is mammals
e) All of the above