Chloroplast -- -- +
Mitochondria + -- +
Mesosome -- + --
Centrioles + -- --
Which of the following options covers the side specifications ?
a) Plant cell Bacteria Animal cell
b) Animal cell Blue green algea Plant cell
c) Animal cell Bacteria Plant cell
d) Bacteria Animal cell Blue green algea
e) Blue green algea Plant cell Animal cell
2- Which organelle of the plant cell can consume O2 and produce CO2 ?
a) Chloroplast b) Lysosome c) Ribosome
d) Mitochondria e) E.R
3- The cell dies when the member of organel break. What is this organel?
a) chloroplast b) lysosome c) ribosom
d) mitochondri e) centrosome
4. Which organell has ETS?
a) golgi b) ribosome c) Nucleus
d) centrosome e) chloroplast
5. Which organel is involved in conversion of oxygen to water in a plant.
a) ribosome b) mitochondria c) golgi
d) chloroplast e) lysosome
6. Which organell is found in all cells?
a) cell membrane b) mitochondri c) ribosome d) E.R. e) vacuole
7. I. Mitochondria II. Ribosome III. Nucleus
Which of the above structures are used in protein synthesis?
a) I b) II c) II-III d) I-III e) I-II-III
8. Chlorophyll is found in
a) chloroplast c) matriks b) stroma
d) lamella e) all of them
9. Which of the following organell is the origin of the others?
a) chloroplast b) chromoplast c) chlorophyll d) leucoplast e) none of them
10- I. Cell division II. Respiration
III. Photosynthesis IV. Protein synthesis
Which of the following structure are involved in cellular activities listed above?
a) Mitochondria Ribosome Chloroplast Centriole
b) Centrioles Ribosome Chloroplast Mitochondria
c) Centrioles Mitochondria Chloroplast Ribosome
d) Ribosome Centrioles Mitochondria Chloroplast
e) chloroplast Mitochondria Ribosome Centriole
11-Give the correct order of structures involved in production of lysosome?
a)RNA-Ribosome-ER-Golgi b) Ribosome-RNA-ER-Golgi c) ER-Ribosome-RNA-Golgi d)RNA-ER-Ribosome-Golgi
12-Which of the following organell and their content are incorrectly paired?
a) ribosome-RNA b) Mitochondri-DNA
c) lysosome-digestive enzymes d)chloroplast-chlorophyll e) centriole-centromere
13- I. Enzymatic activity II. Chloroplast
III. Nucleotides IV. Mitochondria
Which of the above are present in all living things?
a) I-II b) III-IV c) II-IV d) I-III e) II-III
14-Which of the following cell organelles cause a decrease in the concentration of organic material in the cytoplasm?
a) golgi b) chloroplast c) ribosome
d) mitochondria e) ER
15-What is the function of contractile vacuole?
a)Excretion of CO2 b) Movement of organisms
c)Excretion of excess water d)Excretion of minerals e)Excretion of digestive wastes
16- Enzymes are synthesized, packed and stored in some organelles? Which of the followings are given respectively?
a)ribosome-lysosome-golgy b) golgi-ribosome-ER
c) ER-ribosome-golgi d) Ribosome-golgi-lysosome
17-An organelle is taken out of the animal cell and put into the another place than that organelle repoduce. That organelle is
a) Golgy b) E.R c) Mitochondria
d) Lysosome e) Ribosome
18-Which of the following part of cell has no enzymes in its structure ?
a) Cytoplasm b) Nucleus c) Mitochondria
d) Cell wall e) Ribosome
19-Which organelle is found in only animal cells ?
a) Chloroplast b) Cell wall c) Centrosome
d) Vacuole e) Ribosome
20-Which of the following organelles are not related to its pair ?
aR)ibosome Protein synthesis b)Chloroplast Photosynthesis c) Nucleus - Cell division d)Mitochondria Fermentation e) Cell membrane Osmosis
21- I-Plasma membrane II- Mitochondria III- Ribosome IV- DNA V- Centrioles
Which of the above structures are common for both procaryotic and eucaryotic cells ?
a) I-II-III b) I-IV c) I-V d) I-III-IV e) III-IV-V
22-A cell makes phagocytosis.Which organelle must be more than other organelles ?
a)Lysosome b)Vacuole c)Centriole d)E.R e)Nucleus
23-Which of the following organelle is found only in protozoa ( protista ) ?
a) Lysosome b) Contractile vacuole c) Golgy
d) Chloroplast e) Centriole
24-A cell has cell wall. Which of the following organelle can not be found in this cell ?
a) Cell membrane b) centrosome c) Vacuole
d) Chloroplast e) Mitochondria
25-Which of the following organelle is abundant in the root of plants ?
a) Chloroplast b) Chromoplast c) Leucoplast d) Golgy e) Ribosome
26-There is a relationship between photosynthesis and chloroplast. Which of the following organelle is similarly related with respiration
a) Lysosome b) Ribosome c) Mitochondria
d) Nucleus e) Golgy
27-Carotenes are found in
a) Leucoplast b) Chromoplast c) Chloroplast d) Pigments e) Cell
28-Protein synthesis occurs in
a) Lysosome b) Ribosome c) Golgy
d) Plastids e) Nucleus
29-Which of the following is main characteristic of cell membrane
a) Thin layer b) Contain protein c) Selectively permeable d) Contain lipid e) It is permeable to all matters
30-Cellulose is participate structure of
a) Cell membrane b) Cell wall c) Ribosome d) Protein e) Animal cell
31-Which of the following is not a common characteristics of all cells ?
a) Same function b) Food consumption c) Life d) Energy consumption e) Ability to reproduce
32-Which of the following is not property of the procaryotic cell
a) They have cell membrane b) They are not nucleus
c) They can make d) They have membranous organelles
33-Which of the following is not property of eucaryotic cells
a) They have cell membrane b) They have no nucleus
c) They can make colony d) They have membranous organelles
34- I- Nucleus II- Cytoplasm III- Ribosome
In which of the above parts of cell is RNA found ?
a) I b) II c) I III d) II III e) I II III
35- All cells have
a) Chloroplast b) Cell wall c) Mitochondria d) Lysosome e) Cell membrane
36- Which of the following organism has procaryotic cell ?
a) Human b) Cow c) Fish d) Bacteria e) Apple tree
37- Which of the following pair of organelles have nucleic acid ?
a) Lysosome E.R b) Chloroplast Golgy
c) Mitochondria Ribosome d) Vacuole Chloroplast e) Centrosome E.R
38- Which of the following pair of organelles can reproduce themselves?
a)Chloroplast Golgy b)Mitochondria Ribosome c)Vacuole Chloroplast d)Chloroplast- Mitochondria e)Centrosome E.R
39- Which of the following pair of organelles have DNA ?
a) Chloroplast Golgy b)Mitochondria Ribosome c)Vacuole Chloroplast d)Chloroplast- Mitochondria e)Centrosome E.R
40--Which of the following pair of organelles produce ATP ?
a)Chloroplast Golgy b)Mitochondria Ribosome c)Vacuole Chloroplast d)Chloroplast- Mitochondria e)Centrosome E.R
41-Which of the following gives shape to plant cells ?
a) Cell membrane b) Cell wall c) Ribosome d) Protein e) E.R
42-Which of the following gives red color to fruit and vegetables ?
a) chromoplast b) chlorophyll c) licopine
d) Xanthophyll e) Caroten
43- Which of the following gives shape to animal cells ?
a) Cell membrane b) Cell wall c) Ribosome d) Protein e) E.R
44- Which of the following organelles is more active during a high pulse rate, such as exercise ?
a) Lysosome b) Ribosome c) Mitochondria
d) Nucleus e) Golgy
45- I- Plasma membrane II- Mitochondria III- Ribosomes . IV- Hereditary material V- Centrioles
Which of the above structures are common for both procaryotic and eucaryotic cells ?
a) I II III b) I IV c) I V d) I III IV e) III IV V
46-Cell membranes are generally composed of
a) A double layer of phospholipids with proteins dispersed throughout the membrane.
b) A double layer of phosphoproteins with glucose dispersed throughout the membrane.
c) A double layer of nucleic acids.
d) A double layer of proteins with phospholipids dispersed throughout the membrane.
47- Prokaryotic cells differ from eucaryotic cells in that the former lack
a) ribosomes. b) a plasma membrane d) a cell wall
c) endoplasmic reticulum.
48- The nucleolus is an organelle that functions in
a) protein synthesis. b) the production of ribosomal RNA. c) formation of the mitotic spindle. d) secretion.
49- Sperm cells are highly motile cells and require a great deal of energy to maintain their activity. An organelle that would be found in great abundance in this cell is the
a)mitochondrion b) ribosome c)lysosome d) testosterone.
50-- The chloroplasts in green plants
a) are energy producers. b) are energy transducers.
c) synthesize ATP from carbon dioxide. d) result in ADP formation only in the presence of light
51--.Structurally, plant and animal cells differ in all of the following except
a)the outer cover of the cell
b) the enzymes present.
c) the presence or absence of mitochondria.
d) the presence or absence of chloroplasts.
52-- I-Glycogen synthesis II- Starch synthesis
III-Glucose catabolisation IV-Protein synthesis
Which of the process listed above is/are not performed in an animal cell?
A) I and III B) III C) II D) III and IV E) IV
53-- Which of the following cell organelles is capable of dehydration synthesis?
A) Chloroplast B) Leucoplast C) Golgi body
D) Ribosome E) Lysosome
54- A list of synthesis is shown below.
I-Starch synthesis II- Lipid synthesis
III-conversion of light energy to chemical energy
IV-protein synthesis V-glycogen synthesis
Which of the above are observed in all cell types?
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
55-- Examine this list of properties of plant cells.
I-Thick cell wall II-Plentiful cytoplasm
III.Large vacuoles IV.Rapid metabolism
Which of these combinations are accurate for a young plant cell ?
A-I and III B-III and IV C-II and IV
D-II and III E-I and IV
56-- Which of the following pairs of features is present in a mature plant cell ?
A-Leucoplast Centriole B-Chloroplast - Cilia
C-Pinocytosis Chromoplast D-Ribosome - Golgi body
E-Cell wall - Contractile vacuole
57---Which of the following pairs of cell organelles are structurally dissimilar to each other ?
I-Chloroplast Bacterium II-Mitochondrion - Bacterium
III-Centriole Flagellum IV-Virus - Chromosome
V-Centriole - DNA
58--Which of the following organelles is not present in all tissues of a woody plant ?
A-Ribosome B-Chloroplast C-Mitochondrion
D-Cell membrane E-Golgi apparatus
59--- Cell organelles and their reactants are given below.Which of the following cell organelles and reactants are incorrectly paired ?
A-Chloroplast - CO2 , H2O B-Mitochondrion - ADP , P
C-Ribosome - Glucose E-Lysosome - Glucose
D-Golgi body - Glycerol , fatty acid
60--Which of the following properties is incorrect for both mitochondria and chloroplast ?
A-Both have an electron transport system
B-ATP is synthesised
C-Both are present in all cells
D-Both contain their own DNA
E-Both are structurally similar to bacteria
61-Examine the list of cellular structures.
I-Chloroplast II-Ribosome III-Mitochondria IV-Cytoplasm
Which are present in both procaryotic and eucaryotic cells ?
62-Which of the following features is not shared by prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells ?
A-Nuclear Membrane B-Ribosome C-Cell Membrane
D-Energy Consumption E-Cytoplasm
*63- Which of the following organelles is found in both plant and animal cells ?
a) Chloroplast b) Centrioles c) Mitochondria
d) Cell wall e) Large vacuole
*64- In an investigation it is observed that there is high rate of protein synthesis in a cell
The information given above is related to ..
a) Golgi b) ER c) Lysosome d) Ribosome
e) Vacuoles
65-Which of the following is the main characteristic of the plasma membrane ?
A)It is a thin layer B)It contains proteins.
C)It is selectively permeable D)It contains lipids.
E)It is permeable to water.
66-In which of the following ways of transport is the golgi apparatus active ?
A) Active transport B) Diffusion C)Exosytosis
D) Pinocytosis E) Osmosis
67-In which of the following processes are the mitochondria active ?
A)ATP synthesis B)Glucose synthesis
C)Lipid synthesis D)DNA synthesis
E)RNA synthesis
68-Whish of the following pairs contain electron traspiration systems enzymes ?
A)Ribosomes-Golgi bodies
C)Chloroplast-Endoplasmic Reticulum
E)Endoplasmic Reticulum-Golgi bodies
69-The function of organelles of unicellular organisms are similar to the function of organs in multicellular organisms.
In which of the following organelles and organs should not be paired ?
A)Food vacuole-stomach
C)Contractile vacuole-arms D)Flagella-legs
E)Plasma membrane-skin
70-Which of the following organelles is not related to its pair ?
A)Ribosome-protein synthesis
C)Mitochondria-Fermentation D)Nucleus-Mitosis
E)Plasma membrane-Osmosis
71- -Which of the following organelles is found in both plant and animal cells ?
A)Chlorophyll B)Plasma membrane C)Large vacuoles
D)Cell wall E)Plastids
72---Which of the following pairs of organelles are found in a mature cell?
C)Cell wall-centrioles D)Lignin-contractile vacuole
73---Which of the following organelles do not have a function in the formation of milk in mammary glands ?
A)Nucleus B)Golgi body
D)Lysosomes E)Endoplasmic reticulum(ER)
74--Which of the following are proves that a cell which is taken from a multicellular organism is not a plant cell
A)A selectively permeable
plasma membrane
B)Presence of lysosome in the cell
C)Presence of starch in the cell
D)High amount of CO2 in the cell
E)O2 consumption in the cell
75---Which of the following
hypotheses is accurate for an organism that possesses many ribosomes
in its cytoplasm ?
A)Its protein synthesis rate is rapid
B)It is an autotrophic organism
C)Its rate of mitosis is increasing
D)Its cells secrete hormones
E)It carries out anaerobic respiration
76---Which of the following organelles do not have a function from synthesis to secretion of proteins in cells ?
A)Ribosomes B)Endoplasmic
Reticulum C)Golgi bodies
D)Plasma membrane E)Lysosomes
77---Which of the following organelles are more active during a high pulse rate, such as during exercise?
A)Golgi body B)Ribosomes
D)Centrioles E)Endoplasmic reticulum
78---In which of the following cell organelles is the globin part of hemoglobin synthesized?
A)Nuclear membrane B)Ribosomes
D)Nucleolus E)Mitochondria
79---In an investigation it is
observed that there is high rate of protein synthesis in a cell.
Which of the following organelles are high in amounts in the cell ?
A)Ribosomes B)Rough
ER C)Golgi body
D)Smooth ER E)Mitochondria
80---Which of the following one is completely identical after mitotic division ?
A)Hereditary Material
B)Structure of proteins
C)Amount of cytoplasm D)Types of enzymes
E)Amount of proteins
81-The amount of an organelle in cell varies according to its function.
Which of the following organelles is in same number of animal cells ?
A)Mitochondria B)Golgi
bodies C)Chloroplast
D)Ribosomes E)Centrioles
82-Enzymes are synthesized
by...............,packaged in ............. . and stored in
A)Ribosomes-Lysosomes-Golgi bodies
C)Ribosomes-Golgy bodies-Lysosomes
D)Golgy bodies-Ribosomes-ER
E)ER-Ribosomes-Golgy bodies
83- 1-Chloroplast
3-Golgy bodies
What are the basic common charachteristics of organelles above ?
A)They are membraneous
B)They contain nucleic acids (DNA or RNA) in their structure.
C)They are organelles which
are prodominantly used in anabolic reactions
D)They are found together only in Euglena.
E)They can synthesize their own food.
84-In which of the following
organelles,do the plastids dissolve and wastes accumulate ?
A)Vacuole B)Mitochondria C)Golgi body
D)Chloroplasts E)Endoplasmic Reticulum
85-Which of the following
substances is not produced in the mitochondria ?
A) rRNA B) tRNA C)Enzymes D)DNA E)Oxygen
86-Which of the following
organelles digests old cells ?
A)Mitochondria B)Centrioles C)Lysosomes
D)Chloroplasts E)Ribosomes
87-In which of the following
organelles are organic molecules not synthezed ?
A)Chloroplast B)Golgi bodies C)Ribosomes
D)Mitochondria E)Lysosomes
88-Which of the following
organelles is abundant in the roots of plants ?
A)Chloroplasts B)Chromoplasts C)Leucoplasts
D)Golgi bodies E)Endoplasmic reticulum
89-In which phase of life
cycle does the hereditary material replicate?
A)Interphase B)Metaphase C)Anaphase
D)Telophase E)Prophase
90-The zygote of an onion has 16 chromosomes.
How many chromosomes are there in an onion leaf ?
A)4 B)8
C)16 D)32 E)64
91---Which of the following events is different in mitosis in plant and animal cell?
A)Condensation of chromosomes
B)Replication of DNA
C)Division of cytoplasm
D)Segregation of chromatids
E)Arrangement of chromosomes
92---What is the basic reason why daughter cells have identical hereditary material after mitotic cell division?
A)Formation of chromosomes
from two chromatids
B)Replication of DNA molecules
C)Segregation of chromatids
D)Division of cytoplasm into two
E)Arrangement of the chromosomes on the equator of the cell
93--- Which of the following pairs of structures is incorrectly matched?
a) Mitochondrion-cristae b)Nucleus-Chromatin
c) Chloroplast-Grana d) Vacuole-Spindle fibers
94--. Which of the following structures is found only in plant cells?
a) endoplasmic reticulum b) mitochondrion
c)nucleus d) cell wall
95-. The part of the cell which contains the chromosomes is the:
a. Golgi apparatus b. lysosome c. mitochondrion d. nucleus
96--. The cell structure known as the powerhouse of the cell is the:
a. nucleus b. mitochondrion c. endoplasmic reticulum d. vacuole
97-. A structure which makes a cell rigid is the:
a. cell membrane b. nucleus c. cell wall d. nucleolus
98-. The master control of a cell is located in its:
a. mitochondria b. Golgi apparatus c. ribosomes d. nucleus
99-- A cell membrane is:
a) permeable b) semipermeable
c) impermeable d) none of the above
100--. The largest organelle in a mature living plant cell is the a) chloroplast b)nucleus c)central vacuole
d)mitochondrion e) dictyosomes
101-. The genetic code of all cells is in the form of
a. double stranded DNA (dsDNA)
b. triple stranded RNA (tsRNA)
c. single stranded ribosomes
d. unistranded DNA
e. double stranded RNA (dsRNA)
102-- Phagocytic cells such as white blood cell macrophages that engulf and
destroy bacteria would be expected to have many
a. golgi bodies
b. microchondria
c. endoplasmic reticulum
d. nucleoli
e. lysosomes
103-. An alternate name for the cell membrane.
a. lysosome
b. centriole
c. plasmalemma
d. vacuole
e. chromatin
104-. Stores food, water, or waste products.
a. lysosome
b. centriole
c. plasmalemma
d. vacuole
e. chromatin
105-. Important for cell division.
a. lysosome
b. centriole
c. plasmalemma
d. vacuole
e. chromatin
106-. Which of the following pairs of cell components are most similar with regard to shape and composition?
a. nucleolus::transfer RNA
b. golgi body::endoplasmic reticulum
c. cytoskeleton::peroxisome
d. ribosome::lysosome
107-. Which of the following pairs of cell components are most similar with regard to function?
a. transfer RNA::ribosome
b. golgi body::cytoskeleton
c. mitochondrion::lysosome
d. water vacuole::DNA
e. centriole::cell export
108-. What cell component destroys the cell when the cell has reached the end of its cell life?
a. golgi
b. lysosome
c. mitochondrion
d. ribosome
e. centriole
109--Which of the following organelles in abundant in secretary cell?
a) chloroplast b) golgi body c) leucoplast
d) chromoplast e) endoplasmic reticulum
110--Which of the following proves that a cell which is taken from multicellular organism is not a plant cell?
a) A selectively permeable membrane
b) Presence of centrosome in the cell
c) Presence of starch in the cell
d) High amount of CO in the cell
e) O consumption in the cell
111--Which one (or ones) of the followings is (are) found in all of eucaryotic cells?
I Centrosome II Chloroplast
III Ribosome IV Mitochondria
a) II & III b) III & IV c) II d) III & I
e) I & IV
112---In which of the following processes are the mitochondria active?
a) ATP synthesis b) Glucose synthesis
c) Lipid Synthesis d) DNA synthesis
e) RNA synthesis
113---What is the nucleus like structure in bacteria?
a) Mesosome b) RNA c) Polysome
d) Ribosome e) Nucleoside
114--- Membrane-bound vesicle that contains the enzyme catalase
A- Ribosome
B- Mitochondrion
C- Centriole
D- Nucleolus
E- Peroxisome
115--- Possesses its own genetic material and self-replicate
A- Ribosome
B- Mitochondrion
C- Centriole
D- Nucleolus
E- Peroxisome
116--- Interacts with the endoplasmic reticulum during protein synthesis
A- Ribosome
B- Mitochondrion
C- Centriole
D- Nucleolus
E- Peroxisome
117-- Composed of microtubules and functions in cytoskeletal organization
A- Ribosome
B- Mitochondrion
C- Centriole
D- Nucleolus
E- Peroxisome
118---Which one is wrong both for mitochondria and chloroplast?
A) They have double membranes
B) They contain DNA
C) They contain ETS (electron transport system)
D) They contain ribosomes
E) Exept prokaryotic organisms, they are found in all organisms
119---Which of the following organelles digest old cell?
A) Mitochondria
B) Centrioles
C) Lysosomes
D) Chloroplast
E) Ribosomes
120--A scientiest has shown that there are protein, carbonhydrate and lipid molecules in the structures of plasma membrane.
Which of the following is not active in the sythesis of above molecules?
A) Golgy body
B) Mitochondria
C) Ribosomes
D) Endoplasmic reticulm
E) Chloroplast
121--All of the following are the main parts of the cell exept?
A) nucleus
B) cell membrane
D) cell wall
E) none of them
122-The following functions of the smooth ER are correct EXCEPT:
a.Ca++storage for muscle contraction
b.adds hydroxyl group to chemicals to speed their removal from the body
c.involved in protein synthesis
d.detoxifies poisons
e.functions in carbohydrate metabolism
123-A cell deprived of its series of
Golgi apparatus has difficulty:
a.maintaining its shape b.producing DNA c.producing m-RNA d.storing
molecules e.producing proteins
124-The cell organelles that are most similar to prokaryotes are:
a.rough and smooth ER b.golgi apparatus and mitochondria c.mitochondria and chloroplast d.ribosomes and lysosomes e.none of these
125-İn an aerobic prokaryotic cell, the molecules of the respiratory chain are located where?
a.cytosol b.cristae c.plasma membrane d.mitochondrial matrix e.cell wall
126- The ``endosymbiotic theory`` for the evolution of eukaryotic cells postulates that certain cell organelles are the remnants of what were once free-living prokaryotes. Which of the following structures is likely to have originated from a mutualistic relationship of this type?
A. Plasma membrane
B. Chloroplasts
C. Ribosomes
D. Cytoplasm
E. Lysosomes
127-. Contractile vacuoles in protozoa are most important A. to store food
B. for excretion
C. to eliminate excess water
D. for jet propulsion
E. to circulate cytoplasm
128. is an organelle sometimes associated with the translation process
A. endoplasmic reticulum
B. messenger RNA
C. ribosomal protein
D. ribosomal RNA
E. transfer RNA
129. transcribed, then becomes part of a ribosome
A. endoplasmic reticulum B. messenger RNA C. ribosomal protein D. ribosomal RNA E. transfer RNA
130. Functional portions are thylakoids.
A. chloroplasts B. microfilaments C. microtubules
D. lysosomes E. mitochondria
131--. The structures can form basal bodies if arranged properly. A. chloroplasts B. microfilaments C. microtubules D. lysosomes E. mitochondria
132--. Protein strands are capable of contraction within a cell.
A. chloroplasts B. microfilaments C. microtubules
D. lysosomes E. mitochondria
133--. The structures are membranous vesicles A. Chloroplasts B. Microfilaments C. microtubules
D. lysosomes E. Mitochondria
134--. The Golgi complex performs the following function:
A. secretion B. Reproduction C. Regeneration
D. protein synthesis E. sensory perception
135- Which of the following processes are common to both mitochondria and chloroplasts?
A. The photolysis of water
B. The oxidation of glucose
C. The synthesis of glucose
D. ATP synthesis from facilitated diffusion of potassium ions across a semi-permeable membrane