1.1 : What is Science?
Science is the collection of knowledge about the universe. The space and its contents called as universe.
Contents of universe:
Every thing in the universe is either matter or energy. The universe composed of matter and energy.
Matter Energy
Examples: Three Light
Rock Heat
Air Sound
Planet Radiation
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Definition of matter and energy:
Energy: Every thing in the universe that has ability to do work.
Matter: Every thing in the universe that has mass and volume.
Matter also can classify in to two Matter .
Non-Living things Living Things
Rock Plants
Soil Three
Air Dog
Water Bacteria
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1.2 : Branches of Science: Science has four basic branches, they are
1. Biology Chemistry Physics Mathematics
The first and the best branch and also our favorite course is the biology
1.3 : What is biology? Bio: life and logy: science Biology: life science
We can define it like that: Biology is a branch of biology that study with living tings.
1.4 : Branches of Life Science:
Life science is one major branch of science. It deals with living things and their relationship to one another and to their environment.
Life science can be divided into a number of specialized branches. One branch of life science is zoology. Zoology is the study of animals. Another branch of life science is botany , which is the study of plants. A third branch of life science is ecology, or the study of the relationships between living organisms and their environment. Still another branch of life science is microbiology. Microbiology is the study of microorganisms, or microscopic organisms.
Just like any branch of science, life science has many special terms that may be unfamiliar to you. The list below gives the meanings of some prefixes and suffixes that are commonly used in science vocabulary. If you learn the meaning of these prefixes and suffixes, learning new science terms will be easier. For example, suppose you are reading a magazine article and you come across the term osteology. You know that the prefix osteo- means bone and the suffix –logy means study. By joining the meaning of the prefix and suffix, you learn that osteology is the study of bones.
Prefix Meaning Prefix Meaning Suffix Meaning
anti- against herb- plants -cyst pouch
arth- Joint,jointed hetero- different -derm skin,layer
auto- self homeo- same -gen producing
bio- life macro- large -itis inflammation
chloro- green micro- small -logy study
cyto- cell multi- many -meter measurement
di- double osteo- bone -osis diseases
epi- above photo- light -phase stage
exo- outer,external plasm- forming substance -phage eater
gastro- stomach proto first -pod foot
hemo- blood syn- together -stasis stationary condition