nAll living things need a continuous supply of energy to carry on their life activities. Some of these energy is needed for physical or mechanical work.
nThe break down of glucose with the use of oxygen or enzymes is called
cellular respiration.
Types of Respiration
There are two types of respiration.
These are
1-Anaerobic respiration.
2-Aerobic respiration.
*Anaerobic respiration is form of respiration that does not requires oxygen for the release of energy from food molecules, such as glucose.
*Yeast and many forms of bacteria produce energy by anaerobic respiration(fermentation)
Characteristics of anaerobic respiration
*Anaerobic respiration takes place in cytoplasm.
*Little energy is produced and stored as ATP
*Controlled by an enzyme.
*Oxygen is not used
*Alcohol or Lactic acid is produced
Types of anaerobic respiration
*Fermentation is divided into 3 types according to their end product.
* Alcoholic fermentation.
* Lactic acid fermentation.
* Acedaldehyde fermentation
Alcoholic fermentation
C6H12O6 + 2ATP
Lactic acid fermentation
C6H12O6 + 2ATP
4 ATP molecules are formed per glucose molecule. However two ATP are used to energize of glucose molecule. So the net energy output of fermentation is 2 ATP for a glucose molecule.
*Anaerobic respiration is form of respiration that requires oxygen for the release of energy from food molecules, such as glucose.
Characteristics of aerobic respiration
*Aerobic respiration takes place in mitochondria of the cell.
*Large amounts of energy is produced and stored as ATP end of the aerobic respiration.
*Controlled by an enzyme.
*Oxygen is used.
*CO2 and H2O are produced.
Reaction of Aerobic Respiration
C6H12O6 + 6 O2
Steps of Aerobic respiration
1-Glycolysis - in in cytoplasm.
2-Krebs cycle - in matrix
3-ETS in cristae
*The splitting of a glucose into two molecules of pyruvic acid is called glycolysis.
*It takes place in cytoplasm.
*The net profit is 2 ATP
*This step is the same in both aerobic and anaerobic respiration
nIf there are oxygen molecules in mitochondrion pyruvate changes to acetyl CoA (Ac Co A).
n2 NADH2 and CO2 are produced in this reaction.
nAc CoA has 2 carbon atoms.
Krebs Cycle
*The series of chemical reactions that begin with the Ac Co A is called krebs cycle
In Krebs cycle
n2 acetyl CoA
n6 NADH+H,
n2 FADH2
n2 ATP are produced.
Electron Transport System
*Highly organized system of enzymes and coenzymes is called Electron Transport System (chain)
* A series of oxidation reduction reactions take place
*34 ATP are produced by the ETS for each molecule of glucose.
nHydrogen atoms are carried by NAD, FAD, cytochromes and O2. These are called hydrogen (electron) acceptor. Oxygen becomes the final hydrogen acceptor, combining with hydrogen to form water.
Calculation of ATP Energy
Comparison of Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration
Aerobic respiration
1-Uses oxygen.
2-CO2 and H2O are produced.
3-Large amount of energy is released.
4-Seen in many organisms.
5-CO2 is always made.
Anaerobic respiration
1-Does not use oxygen
2-Alcohol or Lactic acid is produced.
3-Small amount of energy is released
4-Seen in some simple organisms.
5-CO2 is sometimes made.
Similarities Between Aerobic and Anaerobic respiration
* Both of them have glycolysis * Controlled by an enzyme.
* CO2 is produced
* The formation of ATP