1-       Which of the following is not a kind of permanent plant tissues?

a) Parenchyma        b) Sclerenchyma        c) Vascular

d) Glandular             e) Meristem


2-       Which of the following animal tissues is specialised for the fat storage ?

a)Epidhelial    b)Adipose    c)connective     d)Bone   e)Cartilage


3-Different tissues and their embryonic origin are listed below.

Which of the following tissues and its origin is incorrectly paired?

       TISSUE                   EMBRYONIC  ORIGIN

a) connective tissue                     mesoderm

b) bone tissue                              mesoderm

c) epitheal tissue                         ectoderm

d) nervous tissue                         ectoderm

e) blood tissue                             endoderm


4-Various plant and animal tissues are paired below according to their functional and structural similarity.

Which of the following options are incorrectly paired?

        ANIMAL                            PLANT

a) Epithelial tissue                  Sclerenchyma

b) Connective tissue                Parenchyma

c) Glandular epithelium          Secretory tissue

d) Bone tissue                         Supportive tissue

e) Cartilage tissue                   Vascular tissue


5-Wich of the following structure is not found in plant epidermis ?

A-Cuticle   B-Stomata   C-Lenticles      D-Hairs    E-Thorns


6-Which of the following choices describes the correct order of the events of ossification during growth of vertebrates?

a)Bone - Cartilage - Connective tissue

b)Cartilage - connective tissue - Bone

c)Connective tissue - Bone - Cartilage

d)Connective tissue - Cartilage - Bone

e)Cartilage - Bone - Connective tissue


7-Which of the following tissues and their constituent cells is/are incorrecly paired?

     A-Fibrocyte             -         Connective tissue

     B-Osteocyte            -         Bone tissue

     C-Chondrocyte        -        Cartilage tissue

     D-Neuron                -        Nervous tissue

     E-Goblet cells         -         Connective tissue


8-Which of the following is not a property of nervous tissue?

a)composed of neurons and neuroglia

b)establishes coordination between cells

c)has a high level of cooperation between its cells

d)its cells have the ability to divide

e)its cells are capable of regeneration


9-Examine the following list of structures.

  I-Osteocyte      II-Periost       III-Chondrine

     IV-Chondrocyte           V-Haversion canals

     Which of these listed above participate to the structure of bone tissue?

 A-I and III                     B-III and IV                 C-I,II and IV

                  D-IV and V                    E-III,IV and V



10-Which of the following is not a property of muscle tissue?

a) a fluid cytoplasm containing the protein myosin

b) activity regulated by chemicals secreted by nerves

c) contains strated myofibrils

d) originates from embryonic ectoderm

e) involuntary activity of smooth and cardiac muscle


11-Some functions of plant tissues are listed below

     I-transport of materials

     II-storage of nutrients, water and air

     III-support of the body of the plant

     IV-synthesis of organic materials

     V-maintenance of growth of lenght and diameter

    Which of the functions above are performed by parenchyma tissue?

     A-I and II                      B-III and IV               C-II and III

                     D-II and IV                       E-I and IV


12-Which of the following tissues has a rapid rate of photosynthesis?

A-Epidermis   B-Paliside Parenchyma      C- Phloem

         D-Spongy  Parenchyma          E-Cuticle


13-Which of the following plant tissues are correctly paired according to their method of gas exchance?

             Stoma                                      Lenticel

     A-Parenchyme                               Epidermis

     B-Sclerenchyma                            Collenchyma

     C-Phloem                                       Xyem

     D-Epidermis                                   Cork


14-Which of the follwing is the origin of permanent tissue ?

     A-Meristematic tissue    B-Cork tissue    C-Dermal tissue

                     D-Sclerenchyma           E-Parenchyma


15-Meristematic and permanent tissue are compared below

according to their  various features.

     Cellular                Meristematic             Permanent tissue

     property                      cells                              cells 

  I.  Nucleus                     large                             small       

 II.  Metabolism               rapid                            slow

III.  Cytoplasm              abundant                        sparse

IV.  Cell wall                    thin                             thick

 V.  Vacuoles                    large                           small

     Which of the following are incorrectly paired ?

       A- I and III        B- I,II and III         C- II and IV  

                      d)III and V               E- I and IV


16-Which of the following plant structures is analagous to

connective tissue in animals ?

a)Meristematic tissue    b)Cambium    c)Sclerenchyma

                d)Vascular bundles      e)Parenchyma


17- All the types of epithelial tissue listed below form part

of the structure of the skin.

I. Squamous    II.Cubodial     III.Columnar

Which combinations describes the correct order from the

outermost to the innermost structure ?

a)I,II and III        B- I,III and II          C- II,I and III

                    d)II,III and I                E- III,II and I






18-Which of the following structures is analagous to scle-

renchyma tissue in plants ?

a)Glandular tissue      B- Blood tissue      c)Epithelial tissue                      D- Epidermis       e)Supportive tissue


19-Which of the following plant structures does not originate

from the epidermis ?

A-Root hairs   B-Stomata  C-Cuticle  D-Lenticels   E-Thorns


20-The spaces between animal cells are filled by an inter-

cellular matrix involved in material exchange.

     Which of the following types of tissues contains least inter-

cellular matrix ?

a)Bone             b)Cartilage           c)Epithelial tissue

d)Blood             e) Connective tissue


21- In which part of the plant illustrated in the figure does not contain meristematic tissue?

A) I          B)II           C)1II           D)1V          E)V


22- Which of the following may not be found in the bark of an old dicotyledonous woody plant?

A)Cambium     B)Xylem    C)Shell    D)Epidermis  E)Phloem


23- Some plants needs another structure to wind themselves around it.Which of the following may he the reason for this event?

A) To support of the body.

B) To cany more leaves on a woody stem

C) Asymmetric development of the stem.

D) Adaptation to the environment

E) Benefit from the stem of the other plant.


24- In which of the following are there big vacuoles?

A) Cambium    B) Meristematic tissue     C) Xylem

D) Onion membrane           E) Phloem


25- Which of the following cells have properties is written next sentences: thin membrane, small vacuoles, highly reproductive

A) Cambium          B) Spongy             C) Parenchyma   

             D) Collenchyma                 E) Epidermis


26- The following events is describes accurately the metabolic activity of a cell

 I- anabolism > catabolism

 II- anabolism = catabolism

III- anabolism < catabolism

For the development of an organism which of the above should occur in a cell

 A) I        B)II        C)III       D) 1-II          E) II-1II


27- Which of the following system arises from the ectoderm layer of an embryo?

A)Nervous system    B)Circulatory system   C)Skeletal system

D) Excretion system                 E) Muscles


28- Which of the following one is pre reguisite to the embryonic development of a plant?

A) Chlorophyll    B) Enzymes C) Sunlight   D)Soil    E)C02


29- Which of the following difference has seen in the cells of a tissue?

A) The number of chromosomes       B) Number of genes

C) Structures of protein         D) Amount of cytoplasm

E) Types of enzymes

30- The blood capillaries are prevent is human tissue which high metabolism rate wiercen they are rare is less metabolism activity According to the hint above is which of the following tissue the blood capillaries are rare.

A) Vascular tissue       B) Blood tissue    C) Epithelium

D) Muscle tissue          E) Adipose tissue


31- In which part of a plant does the apical mer-istcm not grow?

A) Eateral braches         B) Leaves        C) Flowers                D)Buds           E) Vascular tissues


32- Which of the following aspects is not same in the cells of the different tissues of an organism?

A) The number of chromosomes     B) Number of genes

C) DNA codes       D) Similarity       E)Amount of RNA


33-    I- Organs     II- Tissues     III- Systems

In multicellular organisms, in which of the above structures is the same protein structure?

A) I      B) II       C) III      D) II and III     E) I and III


34- Which of the following is not a property of meristematic tissue?

A) Small and disc shaped cells.

B) Cells have high reproductive capacity.

C) cytoplasm is abundant, nucleiis is large

D) intercellular space is wide

E) forms the other tissue of plants.


35-                I- Elastic cartilage        II- Fibril carlilage

III- Hyaline cartilage

In which of the cartilage listed above is there no fibers in the inter cellular matrix.

A)1         B)II          C)III         D)I-I1        E)1-1I1


 36-In which of the following tissues does mitosis not occur after the growth phase?

A) Intestinal epithelial cells         B) Bone marrow

C) Adipose tissue  D) Nervous tissue     E) Cartilage tissue


37- If transplantation of a tissue or organ from one indivudial    to another is to be consid-ered,cells must be compatible. If there    is incompatability, transplantation cannot be considered.

Which structure of the cells is used is the recognition of others?

A) The hydrophobic tails oflipid molecules in the plasma membrane

B) The protein located on the plasma membrane.

C) Glycoprolein in the plasma membrane.

D) The carbohydrates on the plasma membrane

E) The fluid-mosaic structure of the plasma membrane


38- Foodstuffs are distributed to all cells of an organism by circulatory system which contains blood.Which component of blood tissue is responsible for the trasportation offoodstuffs? A) Erythroeytes         B) blood platelets      C) Leukocytes                    .                D) blood plasma        E) Hemoglobin


39- Which of the following structures is formed stratified epithelial tissue.

A)Hair  B)Nails   C)Horns  D)teeth   E)Upper layer of the skin





40- Which of the following is not a component of a nerve cell?

A)Dendrite               B)Axon                C)Myelin sheath

D)Synapses               E) Ranvier node


41- Which of the following systems contains a lot of Calcium ions in its structure?

A) Endocrine system                          B) Muscular system

C) Nervous system                             D) skeletal system

                         E) Circulatory system


42- In perennial plants, the circles which indicate the age of the three are formed by,

A)Phloem               B)Sclerenchyma          C)Collcnchyma D)Xylem              E) Cambium


43- A connective tissue that has a fluid matrix is

a) Epithelium     b) fibrous connective    c) Adipose

d) Blood       e) Cartilage


44-  57. Cells lining the surface of animals are part of a tissue type known as

a. connective tissue

b. muscle tissue

c. epithelial tissue


45-. The non-cellular part of a tissue is     called

a. cortex                 c. lamina

b. matrix                 d. cell glue


46- Adipose tissue is a type of

a. epithelial tissue

b. muscle tissue

c. nervous tissue

d. connective tissue

e. NONE of the above


47- Goblet cells are found associated with certain types of

a. epithelial tissue

b. muscle tissue

c. nervous tissue

d. connective tissue

e. NONE of the above


48- The tissue type that is specialized for initiating and conducting electrical signals is

a. epithelial tissue

b. muscle tissue

c. nervous tissue

d. connective tissue

e. NONE of the above


49. Bone destruction cells are called

a. osteoblasts

b. osteoclasts

c. osteocytes

d. fibroclasts


50-. Cartilage cells are known as

a. myoblasts

b. osteocytes

c. neurons

d. chondrocytes


51- . Functions of epithelial tissue include all of the following EXCEPT

a. protection

b. secretion

c. absorption

d. contraction


52-. Skin function is important for

a. temperature regulation

b. sexual stimulation

c. vitamin D synthesis

d. ALL of the above



53-. Smooth muscle

a. is voluntary

b. is striated

c. BOTH a and b

d. NEITHER a nor b


54-. Cardiac muscle

a. is involuntary muscle.

b. has somewhat visible striations.

c. BOTH a and b

d. NEITHER a nor b


55-. Muscle cell cytoplasm is also known as

a. sarcoplasm

b. mycoplasma

c. sarcolemma

d. myocyplo


56--A group of tissues working together is called a (an)

a) organism           b) system              c) cell

d) organ e) organelles



57--The plant tissue that is meristematic and consequently produce new tissues during each growing season is the

(A) xylem    (B) phloem   (C) cambium    (D) cortex   (E) epidermis


58- A connective tissue that has a fluid matrix is:

a.        epithelium

b.       fibrous connective

c.        adipose

d.       blood

e.        cartilage


59- A tissue that composed of all, slim cells that closely packed together and attached to a

  basement membrane is________ tissue.

a.        muscle

b.       epithelial

c.        nervous

d.       adipose

e.        mineralized connective

60-. Ciliated epithelium lines the

  1. digestive tract of mammals
  2. oviduct (Fallopian tube) of humans
  3. sperm du'ct of humans
  4. lung of birds
  5. E. bladder of mammals


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